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[疑難] 如 何 選 擇 三 腳 架 ?

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


碳 纖 其 實 都 有 好 有 唔 好
不 過 家 下 好 少 人 用 大 機 先 唔 覺
你 試 過 好 大 風 果 時 用 4x5 影 夜 景 未???
你 冇 支 Gitzo No.2 或 3 一 定 死 硬  

And the sand bag, if not, why not try a bean bag bear from ur kids...
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 mmr.ren 於 2008-6-3 17:48 發表

bean bag is too light la....
What 'bout the fake boobs??  Bye!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 allure 於 2008-6-18 17:43 發表

唔信, 一定係有既... 連kathy姐都知
快.. 帶出黎比姐姐玩...
我梗係唔識扳主喇, 我隨便講㗎咋.
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....




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