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[灌水] "羊"氏宗親會

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 電腦奇俠 於 2007-9-4 15:41 發表
嘩! 好飛禽大咬woh!!  禾仲記得前年Annual Dinner呀 kat 姐差d比個鬼老 Boss 攬住薨C, 搞到kat 姐走入洗手間喊w.
嘩!! stone age o既 story 都仲記得.

相關搜索目錄: 電腦
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 大冒險家 於 2007-9-4 15:45 發表

忘記講,...條女著住條超低腰褲....露肚慈.....黑 T Back....仲監生捉禾隻手入佢條 T-back 度 ...
嘩!! 家 d 女, 咁狼死??
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


uuummmm.......公平講句, 女人立場......我會幾放心o既, 點解??  一個男人, 有 Market, 話 冇人 approach實呃你o既.  爭在, 你抵唔抵受到 temptation.  羊咩冇人approach 咩? 一樣有, 但每次講比我聽, 大家都係得啖笑.... 佢又成日話有人追我o既話講聲比佢聽, 等佢過目鵁oh!! 痴線!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


The point is, don't you have trust for each other??
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 mmr.ren 於 2007-9-4 16:05 發表
即係詁我無 market 。。。。。。。
! 就算一個Truck driver via HK and China, 都有人鍾意喇!!  尤其有 d 女人, 對married man 係咬住唔放.  It's terrible!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 大冒險家 於 2007-9-4 16:09 發表
咁我唔同你situation 嘛!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 mmr.ren 於 2007-9-4 16:11 發表

Yep!! Absolutely....Unless you wanna dying young!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 mmr.ren 於 2007-9-4 16:21 發表


1. 你個人衰格?
2. 你好臭?
3. 有性病? 或者其它傳染性惡疾?
4. D 女個個都係盲既?
5 ....
咁你又唔好話到Ben Ben 咁衰先喇!!  頭 4 項佢就冇, 不過有一腳踏兩船.

Just kidding!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


[ 本帖最後由 kathywonder 於 2007-9-4 17:25 編輯 ]
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Wedding photo, 1998, almost 10 yrs ago.

[ 本帖最後由 kathywonder 於 2007-9-4 17:25 編輯 ]
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 大冒險家 於 2007-9-4 17:16 發表

衣? Beckham 同禾一樣高.....衣 ?? 你頂盡 5 " 5
死蠢, 大一大個地台 毽高!! 抵打, you fool!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 大冒險家 於 2007-9-4 17:18 發表

肥左 wor
係咩.....而家定以前, 冇理由woh!! 影之前我keep fit keep o左好耐囉woh!! 冇理由.....
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 大冒險家 於 2007-9-4 17:20 發表

但你手臂粗過 Beckham wor ....!!
邊庶粗呀!!   我記得應該o個陣大慨115 lbs o左右.....到now差不多......
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 大冒險家 於 2007-9-4 17:22 發表

肥左....當然而家肥啦 !!!

以前肥d ...就叫瘦左 la
邊庶粗, 唔粗......打 double 打!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


唔post , 成日比人彈.......
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


! 又係我.....why not ask for guys here?  I just deleted those things la.
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 大冒險家 於 2007-9-4 17:34 發表

係呀係呀,...K 姐著住Bikini ...R Beckham 個袋袋 Beckham 仲扯晒旗
你呢........最鍾意搞事, 睇怕再係咁都係唔再post 相囉!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 mmr.ren 於 2007-9-4 17:34 發表

放心, o個個女仔冇姜剪o既!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


下個禮拜試 evening dress, 仲諗住好唔好post w!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 大冒險家 於 2007-9-4 17:39 發表


你地頭先睇果張相 K 姐塊臉係咪白左架?
道歉!!       我好易嬲!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


好, 唔玩, 放工, 聽日玩唔到, 大把炾, 3個meeting from 10 am 'til 4pm, poor me!!  886
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Very tired!! 忙到透唔倒氣!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....




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