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[灌水] "羊"氏宗親會

原帖由 ernestthl 於 2008-6-23 13:57 發表
hee hee..... 結婚真開心 !!!
Yep!!  If u need help, just let me know!!

相關搜索目錄: 結婚
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Thks you all, and a...time runs fast and 'd walked in dark the past few yrs, but can't stand again without Tim my fiance, of course my son inspirated me alot too.  U know it sounds weird of mine get married again, God never left me behind however, and know u guys naughty but all have good heart...thks alot!!  And Mr. Masketeer, take good care of ur wife and ur lovely daughter;  Ben's gettin' marry after me, and hope hear a good new from dizzc soon; and Emily...u're the one I worried 'bout, everybody had their owned story behind, no matter what the worst happen before, just wipe it, and keep think positive.  Know u can get over it....I know how hard bein' a woman nowaday, but know we can stand up again...Well.....gotta pick up my son.  Talk u then...
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Mo San (God of dance) be good la....

相關搜索目錄: Dance
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 dizzc 於 2008-6-23 16:59 發表

你都係呀, 大個仔嘞!!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 mmr.ren 於 2008-6-25 13:35 發表
仲有三 days...........

congratulations, and celebration...
Thks!!  You're so.......lovely!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 舞神 於 2008-7-8 12:58 發表
哈佬 ,

今日下午開始放假 , 去日本 7日.

How lucky you are!!  Good morning!!  Folks!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 ernestthl 於 2008-7-14 11:23 發表
Good Morning all ... ^.^  去 日本 shopping 玩 7日, so Happy !!!
I wish to go, too !!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 舞神 於 2008-7-16 12:57 發表

點呀, 返!! 玩得開心嘛??  去o左日本邊度玩呢??   今日心情好靚, 仔仔派成績表, 考第 4 名.....
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 mmr.ren 於 2008-7-16 17:40 發表

係佢努力. 我唔知可以做 d 乜!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Hey!! Folks!! This's Kathy and I'll spend a couple weeks in German for vacation, and sorry for never attended here, but swear that won'y leave you all  behind.......About me, well.....good and mostly spend time out for swimming, know the weather out there's just hot like in hell.  Anyway, see you all later and love you all!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Hi!! 好耐冇鰜蚽d言w...good morning!! 唔覺唔覺成為o左李太成一個月有多, 聽晚會同羊咩飛德國honeymoon......而仔仔佢跟我媽咪同Rachel同表弟妹去上星期返o左Astoria玩, 尋晚同佢傾完電話, 話跩單車扑損...what a kid!! 仔仔唔鰜, Linda 亦返去Philippian two weeks, 屋企.....得返我同阿李先生...my husband...可以暢快的做愛了...當然...希望快 d 再做媽咪喇.......   
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Hey!!  All!!  返左.  我同羊咩嚗w國之旅已完成了.....尋日朝早 6 點半落機. 由 Frankfurt 經"浪漫之路"到Stuttgart 最後經 Frankfurt 返香港.  好開心......遲 d 會 post d 相上. Please wait!!   
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


咦!! 仲有上!!?? 點呀, 有冇陪你對女女放暑假玩鴭O??
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


呢個 honeymoon......兩部相機, 影o左超過 1,300 張相. 去o左 3 個古堡, 破哂紀錄.  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Hi!!  Ummmmm.......I think I'm pregnant.......!! I'm gonna be a mother again!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Since the day I was pregnant, and stopped  eating cold  food especially ice-cream I love most, but know nothin' is better than havin' a baby of my own, splendid!!  And a......I sing song quite often and know it's pretty helpful for baby.......Here's the song wanna share to u all which's performed by Joanna Wang - Let's start from here!!       

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


咦!!?? 估唔到仲見到你]w!!  而家精神都幾好啦. 除o左忙仔仔開學 d 洃坏~, 都係做 d 比較light d exercise, ummmmm......而家我煮飯已經進步o左好多囉.  at least 羊咩同仔仔都係咁話.  羊咩爸爸同媽媽上星期返返去 San Fransisco......而仔仔而家成日同羊咩鬥快游水...唉!!  佢倆個真係.......你]又點呢??  Ben 出年5月結婚......大個仔!!  阿神, 點呀, 拍拖未呢??  炮仔應該好享受當daddy 黈伅〝O!!  無面人, 你兩個女女開學喇, 冇記錯應該 P 2呢?? Right??  And you, Emily, 工作順利嘛??  希望你快 d 搵到個另一個疼錫你......仲有的士仔, 有冇仲咁貪玩呢??  Anyway, 雖然我唔係成日上薨O度, 但我仲記得你].....   遲 d 再傾......

相關搜索目錄: 結婚
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 mmr.ren 於 2008-9-2 13:53 發表
兩個女都開學, 睇通告都睇左我個幾鐘
冇辦法, 剩係尋晚同羊咩睇仔仔學校 d e-notice都睇到眼花, 今朝羊咩仲揍仔仔返學...而家 d 細路真幸福.     
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 秋兒 於 2008-9-3 01:53 發表

恭喜Kat姐姐再次做媽咪, 恭喜恭喜!  你去蜜月旅行玩得開心嘛?   希望你哋個bb會好似Kat姐姐咁叻咁靚啦!   啱啱線喺諾士佛台飲完嘢, 撞返我以前bf, 哈... ...
Hey!!  Sis!! Good morning!!  Thks ur words and a....Wow...^^ how naughty you're and just forget him, and know you'll find someone better than him.  And me, well, pretty excited bein' mother again, but got alot help from my mum, so...dun worry.  Keep in touch!!   

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 ernestthl 於 2008-9-3 10:44 發表
Good Morning !!
Good morning, sis!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 舞神 於 2008-9-3 12:58 發表

恭喜 KAT 姐
喂!!  Seems never heard you quite a long while, how's it going?? 吓!! 龍鳳胎!! 唔好啩, 不過好想, 好想, 好想要個女女, 最想每一日都可以幫佢扮靚....   
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 舞神 於 2008-9-4 13:00 發表

買野比細佬好開心嫁,我都成日買野比我大佬果 2 個仔.
Good morning!! All!!  幾熱鬧鴾竣......   
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Photos in German!! ^^

Hi!! Guys, here some photos taken in German, hope u all like it!!   
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We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 舞神 於 2008-9-12 12:44 發表





冇錯!!  今年十分特別.....唔單只有羊咩同仔仔一齊, 仲有肚堶 BB, 祝大家"中秋節快樂".   
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


原帖由 mmr.ren 於 2008-9-16 09:35 發表
雷曼仆街, AIG 會唔會都仆街呢?
10 年前同一時間, 由泰國帶動泡沫爆破, 今次係美國本土引發, 相信個influrence會十分巨大.  AIA 就........
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....




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