±À¤¶:| Æ[¶í¥~½æ³t»¼ | ±N­x¿D¥~½æ³t»¼ | Party ¬ü­¹¨ì·| | ¨T¨®½´³»ºû­×½¨­ | ³·¦a¹u | ¦Ï¤ò¾c | ¦Ï¤ò¾c¹Ô | Online Food Ordering System | Pre Wedding Photographer |


[Äé¤ô] "¦Ï"¤ó©v¿Ë·|

Hi!! All!! ¥ò¦³Emily ªðo¾¤......good!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Hi!! All!!  Happy New Year........and give love all you can...no hatred!!  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ChickenFloss ©ó 2009-1-2 14:29 µoªí
Happy New Year!
¦²½Þ¥J, ·s¤@¦~­n¨Ä d 嘞, ª¾­øª¾!?  Best wishes 2009!!  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ernestthl ©ó 2009-1-5 10:28 µoªí
Good morning !! ·s¦~§Ö¼Ö !!
Hi!! Sis, long time no see!!  Here so quiet again!!  But....hope peace here eternal!!
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ dove ©ó 2009-1-5 16:19 µoªí
Heading photo???  Took almost 2 yrs ago, and I'm kinda chubby now.......since pregnant!!   
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ mmr.ren ©ó 2009-1-18 22:44 µoªí
Hi!!  Mr!!  Long time no see, and love your day!!

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ¬î¨à ©ó 2009-1-19 13:10 µoªí
Hi! Kat©j©j²×©ó¦^¨ÓÅo.....¦n±¾¦í©p§r.
Hi!! ¬î¨à©f©f, how"s it going??  Miss u alot and thks ur message.  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ¹q¸£©_«L ©ó 2009-1-23 08:38 µoªí
¹q ¯« ¦^ Âk!  
About ur wedding, just let me know if u need help.......got that!?

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ¹q¸£
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Hi!! All!! Happy Valantine's Day!!  And find your love soon.  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Happy Weekend, all!!  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Hi!! All, how's the day??  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Hey!! All!! ¦n­@ÉN¤Wo¾¤!!  ªûo¥ªBB¦¨´X­Ó¤ë, ­Ó­L¦n°·±d, ¦ý±ø¸y´N¦¨¤éµh.......ºGºG!! ¦n¦b d ¤â¤â¸}¸}ÉN²Ê¨ì, ³s Rachel ³£¯º§Ú¦pªG­ø«Y¤j¦í­Ó¨{ªº¸Ü, ¯u«Y­ø¦ü¤j¨{±C......«¢«¢!!   
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ mmr.ren ©ó 2009-3-12 23:00 µoªí
Low back pain?
Yes, right and can't take any medication, and know it'd suffer alot in pregnant, but......it's ok!!  Anyway, how's it going??  Friday now and a......guess what??  Our little friend....you should know him......'s on the way to be daddy!!  Guess who he is.....
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ernestthl ©ó 2009-3-13 12:19 µoªí
Absolutely right!!  Hey!!?? Wat 'bout you??
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Hi!! All!! I'm doin' fine but bored at home like a sitting duck.  Poor me!!  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Hi!! All!! ¶ZÂ÷ BB ¥X¥@¥ò¦³¨â­Ó¤ë¥ª¥k, ¦nºò±i.   
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Hi!! All!!  I'm back, and why no one here!!  Hello!!  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


§Ú ¤ß ¤£ ¦º ,  ¼É ¬F ¥² ¤` !!

¤µ¦~...Áö¤£¯à¿Ë¨­°Ñ»Pºû¶é 20 ¶g¦~, ¦ý§Úª¾...¥¼¨Óªº¤@¤Ñ...§Ú­Ì¤£¥Î¦A»E¶°©óºû¶é...¦]¬° 6 4 ¤@©w·|³Q¥­¤Ï.  ¤@©w, ¤@©w......¥J¥J©M¦Ï«§¤µ±ß·|°Ñ»P 6 4 ±ß·|, ¦Ó§Ú......·|©M¨{ùتº  BB ¦b®a¤¤¤@¦P°Ñ»P.  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


¯w吓²´ BB ¦³¤@­Ó¤ë¦³¦h¤F.  ÂI§r, ¦U¦ì¤@©w¤Q¤À¦£¤F, take care.
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


«x!! ¯u«Y¦n­@¦³喺©O«×¯d¨¥嘞.  BB ¤k¦Ó®a¦n cute, ¦n½ì½o. Ê\ daddy ¦P­ô­ô¤@©ñ¤u©ñ¾Ç´N³Ñ«Y¦PÊ\ª±.  (ÉNÊ\¦a¦¬!!) §Ú¨­Åé³£ºâ OK°Õ.  ¤W¬P´Á¤» Ben Ben ¥ý¤W嚟«Î¥ø±´§Ú. ( ­ü吔, ¦Ó®a­Ó¼Ë¥ò«Y¦n´Ý.....)  Ê\À³¸Ó·|«Y X'mas Daddy.  °e啲¯¬ºÖ­Ú Ben Ben ¥ý. §A¦aÂI§r. Á¿吓§A哋 D ªñªp吖!  ­øª¾¤j«_ÀI®aÂI©O?? À³¸ÓÊ\­Ó BB ¦³ 1 ·³¤F; §A©O mmn, §A­Ç­Ó¤k¤kÀ³¸Ó¦³ 10 ·³¤F.  ­Ú¤ß¾÷ D °Õ!!  »R¯«´N­ø¦n¦A§Î³æ°¦¼v嘞, §Ö D ©ç©ì°Õ, dizzc §Æ±æÊ\¤u§@¶¶§Q°Õ.........¥ò¦³ernest, ¬î¨à, §A哋¨­Ãä¦n¦h¤H¿ü§A¬[.  ¿ð D §Ú·|喺¨ä¥Lª©­±¼g吓§Ú¦P BB 嘅¤é±`¥Í¬¡, see you all later.  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ernestthl ©ó 2009-9-22 17:53 µoªí
¦hÁÂ!!  §Ú¦b¥t¤@³B¶}¤F¤@­Ó topic, ¦h¦h«ü±Ð!!

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Hi! All, This's Kathy, and I'm back!!  Miss you all!!  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ernestthl ©ó 2010-2-23 15:41 µoªí
Hi! Dear, Happy new year!!  How's day going??  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ¤j«_ÀI®a ©ó 2010-3-19 14:27 µoªí
­ø«Y§r, §Ú¦³®É³£¤W嚟°Õ, ¤£¹L§A­øª¾啫.  
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


Good morning! Folks!  Let's '°_ÄÂ' ¥h±¥©À 6 4 §a......
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....




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