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[檔案] 井底蛙遊踪之五 ---- CP HM SN (流水賬)

Hey !!!
Just received some information from my friend !!!

According to his last experience in WM, there is a very hot captain, with long hair, young, good body shape, always wearing short and sexy shirts...

Does any brother recognize this captain ?
if yes, can you please PM her phone no. to me ??
Especially c hing  icheng, did you see a captain like this last time ??
Please confirm...


yes ar...
the friend of mine told me where the KL hotel is ...
and he know the beautiful captain in KL hotel first...
then introduce to me...

now... he told me that WM has a young and beautiful captain...
but he need to find out the phone no. of this hot hot girl .....

so...wanna to confirm first ....




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