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[桑拿浴室] 荃溢

any good recommendation?


原帖由 happywkr 於 2008-6-5 11:25 發表

Brother KY169, you tried Wong Faye, have you tried Kwok Oi Ming *^ who is now on day shift, waiting for your happy sharing.
very attractive !! can i get the tel no. of this sauna by enquiring 1083?
need to book her 1 day in advance or not?
will the staff ask me who introduce her to me? (last time when i went to good fortune sauna, they asked me this) I never been to tsuen yat sauna!


原帖由 happywkr 於 2008-6-5 16:51 發表

I think you should have the answers to your questions.  Normal procedure for new customer, if yiou like snake you may have vegi only!!
thks anyway!


原帖由 Becky 於 2008-6-6 09:41 發表

Tel:81292888, ask Angel
thk a lot!


原帖由 doraemon7 於 2008-6-22 23:14 發表
tried last week after winning some money from the euro.... *^ looked so nice and it was a pleasure to see her..... just the old practice.... good rpp.... allowed to touch her whole body.... with li ...
last week i also tried *^. she is nice and pretty! agreed with other comments, she looked like Ms Kwok. Long hair, slim and process a pair of elastic bombs. But it is a bit pitty that she didnt allow to be kissed nipples.
Her force of massage is gentle. When she pushed back with oil, i had the feeling of doing spa. BTW, i didnt hear her moaning!

相關搜索目錄: SPA
  • happywkr 體力 +10 我很贊同 2008-6-24 10:08
  • happywkr 威望 +10 我很贊同 2008-6-24 10:08


原帖由 happywkr 於 2008-6-24 10:13 發表

Thanks for your happy sharing, how was her BM service to you, her BM service is now  much better than before!!
Her BM is a standard one! then i am lucky that her service is improved!
Sure re-mark her! when does she usually take off each week?




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