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原帖由 glucerna 於 2009-4-13 12:24 發表
ya, 7-siu is like a kid that night, so committed to play hard...

the 3 abalones she took included one of my girls..  haha...  Does it taste good, 7-siu?


原帖由 Haidada 於 2009-4-13 14:54 發表

其实都有一些好女女的。。捻吓才 400 ON..降一点点要求。。可以玩得很开心的。。。

I have selected a village-look girl at gold supreme when with Dr. Tea and my friend.   She had a strong village look and a bit chubby.   Mami introduced this girl to me during the slection, saying that she had her "pig" sold a few days ago..  I thought, no big deal, just sat a 2nd girl to sit (she was the 2nd, i had chosen a beautiful and sexy one for my 1st).  

It turned out that I had more feel with this village girl.   When I decided to choose her to go out with her, the mami came and "whispered" with her secretly..  I did not know why.   Up in the room, she started to feel very uneasy and started to cry.  Oh, a long story was told by her and aligned with her "pig selling" story.   I had to spend 30 min as a counseller/social worker..  The rest was history. We had 3 wonderful sessions that night/day.. she was so fresh, but responsive..   

Believe if you really find some newly joined village girl in that island, you may get similar feel..




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