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Thank you Brother you dedicated this essay to me. I have nothing to say about my "lovers". The only thing Ican say is that 1 is an University grad, the other 2 are as least High School leavers. I agree that except the U grad, the other 2 does not know who is "Chow Yan Loy", I would say it is because the "olitical Education" they received is so limited in scope.

I have experience that U grad in HK also like and idiot in common sence.

I know I am play fire, but I enjoy it so much now, I don't prepare to leave.

Thanks for the advice.


回復 #51 icheng609 的帖子

However, there is still example who practise this boxing live up to 90's.

[ 本帖最後由 7-siu 於 2008-6-13 10:24 編輯 ]


回復 #53 icheng609 的帖子

Exactly ! You got the crunch!


I do enjoy so much now that 2 of my women still speeping after a vigorous sex of threesaome. They fall asleep after satisfaction. I am so lucky,so enjoy.

So, why not sink ??


I go back sleep with my 2 honey la. talk to you later.


回復 #62 KMY89 的帖子

Both of you are talking about some assumed questions. So, no answer !!!




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