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[原創] 渣波渣到手指尾抽筋


星期五(626) 茶附馬話要去皇宮見湘湘公主。我們一行九人便跟足指示,我五點便去英商check in. 六點半去皇宮附近的松記吃飯。吃飲時只有 KenKen, Kelvin, 附馬,湘湘公主和我。湘湘公主我是第一次見。真的和Fioa Sit 有八九成相似! 不論相貌,身材都似,怪不得附馬把已前的囡囡都唔記得喇!

七點半便到皇宮選宮女。我就在第一輪就見到一個樣子可以食得落,但個波大到無倫的!我看有F cup吧! 坐下來,她便很有禮貌地攬著我的手臂。 (我要打英文了,總是忘記了中文寫法!)

She covered my arm with her big boosts, and put her head onto my shoulder. I can smell her nice odor of her hair because of the shampoo. I was lost for a while just smelling this.

We played dice games and kisses for a long time. That was a long wet kiss. I don’t know whether any Ching noticed that. I can feel her tongue rolling under my tongue and flips over to cover my tongue.

Before she actually sat down next by me. I told every Ching that I would expect her balls would be a “DUM” balls. As they are so big. According to my experience, such big balls could not resist the “Law of Gravity”. However, after she undressed in the hotel room, It is much better than I expected. The degree of “DUM” is much better.
We had another long wet kiss during in the shower room and body massages each other. I try to resist from doing the hard stuff in the shower room.

The reaction and noise of enjoyment, moaning was loud, and luckily that I had the last room in the corridor. I hope I did not make a nuisance to any one ! The love making was so enjoyable and lasting that we both felt aslept until 8:00 a.m. next morning.

There is a side issue during the night. As her tits are so big, I have to hold her tits with both of my hands. 1 palm is not big enough. I intend to hold her tits with my right palm when I was sleeping. I  try to stretch my fingers as large as possible. With too much stretching, my last finger of my right palm got a clam !!!!

When I was ready for the 2nd Q, she told me that her period just come, and there was a small patch of blood on the quit. Finally, she suggest me to fuck her breasts instead. However, it was to dry for me to release and at last she has to use her hands and I released on her big big tits.

I would recall her tomorrow as Dr. Tea wants a recall there tomorrow.

[ 本帖最後由 7-siu 於 2009-6-29 16:57 編輯 ]

  • 筆突 體力 +20 用心分享 2009-6-29 17:29
  • 筆突 威望 +20 用心分享 2009-6-29 17:29
  • 筆突 金錢 +20 用心分享 2009-6-29 17:29


回復 2# 的帖子



回復 6# 的帖子

def lo, Where have you been lately ? You have not write any report for so long !


回復 8# 的帖子

I was in 610, which room were you in ? I thought you were in 510 ?


I try to book my F cup girl for tomorrow, but she told me her auntie still not away yet !!!h:" /> h:" /> h:" />

But I have my contingency plan. The girl that she sat for table only in Golden Brick 1/2 years ago just come back to CA today.

[ 本帖最後由 7-siu 於 2009-6-29 18:07 編輯 ]


回復 13# 的帖子

So, You heard my girl's moaning !!!


回復 19# 的帖子

yes, you are right. That is the room you stayed before. We all had good memories there !!!


回復 23# 的帖子

What happen to your 36 D model girl ? You sent her away ?


回復 26# 的帖子

ok, Thanks, please PM her tel to me. But I already book another girl from Golden Brick who just arrive back to CA from hometown 1 hour ago.

The girl on my right hand side with I first know the girl who was 1st day sitting table.


回復 29# 的帖子

Not the girl last Friday. She was the 1 who sat my table 1/2 year ago in Golden Brick. I sat 2 girls, 1 of whom was her 1st day being a night girl, she used to be in factory.And later, I had a double fly sitting with her cousin. She was the 1 on my left.

The 1 I am going to meet was the one sitting on my right.


回復 32# 的帖子

Are you going to the CA Palace tomorrow ?


回復 35# 的帖子

Yes, she is the one sitting next to you. You know ? I have let the fishing line goes as long as she could. I believe 1 day she'll be back. And now, here she comes !!!!


回復 39# 的帖子

Who knows ???? May be 1 day I can not remember any of the girls, but who cares !  As long as I enjoy the action now.


回復 43# 的帖子

你有條件嘛!所謂"潘,驢,鄧,小,閒", 對大陸的囡囡來說,你只欠"閒"吧了!


回復 47# 的帖子



回復 45# 的帖子




回復 51# 的帖子



回復 54# 的帖子

"乳交七" is too dry except we play with "O Play",


原帖由 denny2000 於 2009-7-2 09:50 發表

Play O is very expensive and more for nui nui. For 乳交七, just use 多乐士,oh no, durex Play, just 30$ a bottle.
Well, it is because Simonkok left me half bottle of "lay O" !!


回復 62# 的帖子

Well, actually I tried yesterday morning. Her response was great and I can feel her tunnel hot.


原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-7-2 17:21 發表



原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-7-2 17:28 發表





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