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CA 嫁憐嘩乘 K

It seems that the place worth to pay a visit there. I have missed wild K for some time la.  When I come back in Apr. I must try.

Denny/ Butt, will you be available to be the leader to this place in early April?


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thanks very much. For me, nearly every weekend, Fridays and Saturdays.


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We can always turn on the t.v. again anytime. As we the the consumers. Or we have to complain to the mamei if this happens again.


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My wilderness come out again, I can back to my draw water king again. Ha Ha!


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。

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I am ok on 3 April. I go to my father and mom's grave at noon that day, then lunch with my Brothers, after that I can go la.


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。

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Thank you "Late come Spring", very nice brief report, I decide I have to go to Yan-K again la.


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I just PM Dr. Tea, what is the progress of the arrangement of the party of April, 3 & 4.

"I shall be back !!!"


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。

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Serious headache the morning after !!


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。

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It is nice to see simonkok gor dance in nude and keeping his dick cover and jump like a jumping monkey, while we were in Sailor moon last time. He was playing "Against the landlord with Par3 and the girls, when the girls cheat they, and they didn't even knew!!

相關搜索目錄: Dance


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。

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If Pal was there, would it be much better ? Also, where is this place, as my computer cannot read the topic of this post.


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I know it is in CA, but the name of the K ?


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ok,got it . Thanks


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He should be back to HK before the end of March, and his tiger won't be back to HK until Mid-April. So he should be ok for April, 3.

About yan -K, we can go any time after going to DL.


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。

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I don't know where it is , lead by Brother Denny2000.

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I just sent you a PM about this, but I can change for anything.


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So nice to hear from Hoidada again. Envy a lot that you guys can go anywhere. I can only go for dim sum with other brothers here.

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I can do nothing here, my tigeress also with me.


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so you shall go with us to Dream House on 3 pril anf Yan -K on 4 April ?


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he can sttill steal eat !!!!

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Some girls like tears, some girls like money ! You cannot reply the same book till old.


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