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24 VI

24 VI

With the U.S. under siege in a series of terrorist bombings, President Palmer negotiates the release of Jack Bauer from a Chinese prison; but rather than returning to CTU, he is turned over to the terrorists as a bargaining chip.

Two bombings in Los Angeles are the newest attacks in a wave of terror which has gripped the nation for the past 11 weeks, bringing the number of casualties to nearly 1,000. The public's fear is mounting, and detention facilities are quickly filling up with anyone suspected of terrorist activity. President Wayne Palmer meets with his cabinet, including Tom Lennox, Chief of Staff; and Karen Hayes, National Security Advisor. Lennox is pushing for more detention facilities for those suspected of terrorism, which Hayes argues amounts to interment camps for anyone of the Muslim faith.

被綁架了二十個月的Jack通過美國新總統Wayne Palmer與伊斯蘭教恐怖份子Fayed的一宗交易而獲釋,以Jack的性命,來換取另一被懷疑是策劃近期在美國境內連串自殺式爆炸的恐怖份子Assad的行蹤。



回復 #3 billchan 的帖子



回復 #5 billchan 的帖子



原帖由 ricedog 於 2007-4-26 23:03 發表

原來果個真係john cage大哥,唔怪得咁似啦


7:00 A.M. - 8:00 A.M. 24

7:00 A.M. - 8:00 A.M. 24  
When both President Palmer and Buchanan refuse to believe that Fayed is the one behind the terrorist attacks, Jack is forced to team up with Assad in order to stop them.

Jack attempts to convince President Palmer that Fayed is the one behind all the recent bombings, but Jack is no longer deemed to be a credible source. Forced to take matters into his own hands, Jack rescues Assad moments before his safe-house is bombed. Assad, who had been negotiating with all of the terrorist cells to agree to a cease fire, assures Jack that Fayed is the lone holdout. Once Fayed is taken out all the others will fall into line, and he can go public with his peace plan. Fayed and Jack get a lead on Fayed's next target, and head downtown. Jack isn't sure he can do this any longer, but Assad tells him he can't stop Fayed alone.

Jack嘗試說服總統Palmer 其實Fayed就是策動最近一連串炸彈襲擊的幕後主腦,但卻不獲信任。沒有政府的支持,Jack惟有與Assad合作,聯手打擊Fayed。就在Assad家被引爆前的一剎那,Jack及時把Assad救出……




回復 #14 colin 的帖子



8:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M

Unless Jack can locate Fayed within the hour, President Palmer will be forced to meet Fayed's demands in order to stop the bombings. With hundreds more dead from the recent bombings, President Palmer feels that he has no choice but to negotiate with Fayed. Fayed offers a cease fire if the President releases 110 enemy combatants from a detainment facility in Palmdale, CA. Jack has one hour to locate Fayed, or the President will be forced to release the prisoners. Working with Assad the two follow Masheer, one of Fayed's head operatives. Up until now Jack and Assad had been working alone. Now they must enlist the help of CTU in order to track Masheer by satellite. CTU is wary of working with Assad, a known terrorist. Jack assures them Assad has vowed to disarm his group and renounce terrorism.




9:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M

President Palmer asks Jack to assume control of the search for Fayed, who is now believed to possess a nuclear device.

Karen Hayes debriefs President Palmer regarding the kind of damage a nuclear suitcase bomb is capable of. The initial blast would kill thousands of civilians within a half-mile radius, and the resulting radiation could kill hundreds of thousands. This prompts President Palmer to contact Jack, asking him to lead the search for Fayed. Jack isn't sure if he is up to it, but the President pleads with him. Jack agrees. The President also confirms Assad's peace initiative, and agrees to pardon him for all prior terrorist activity in exchange for continuing his peace efforts and helping to find Fayed.



相關搜索目錄: 電腦


回復 #19 SIG 的帖子



原帖由 albtkl2006 於 2007-5-14 19:37 發表







10:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M

After a nuclear bomb is detonated in Southern California, President Palmer prepares to address the nation; and CTU scrambles to locate Fayed, who may have four more bombs in his possession. A small nuclear bomb has been detonated in Valencia, California, killing at least 12 thousand instantly with more to follow from radiation. The worse is yet to come, as CTU discovers that Fayed has four more nuclear suitcase-bombs in his possession. He most likely intended the recent attack for densely populated Los Angeles. President Palmer and his cabinet are moved to a bunker, where they weigh their options and prepare to address the nation. After witnessing the devastation, Jack knows he can't sit idly by and do nothing. He calls CTU, and tells Buchanan he's back on the case. Fayed contacts a man by the name of Darren McCarthy, and instructs him to find another person capable of arming the remaining four bombs.





11:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.

Jack discovers the link between his father's company and the recent nuclear bombing; and a shake-up at the White House forces Hayes to resign as National Security Advisor. As President Palmer addresses the nation, Lennox and Hayes argue over instituting martial law and adding more detention facilities. Both the President and Hayes agree that implementing that scenario should be a last resort. Lennox decides he needs Hayes out of the picture. He instructs Reed Pollack, his top aide, to put their plan into motion. Without Hayes, President Palmer will be more likely to sign off on his proposals. They will further erode the constitutional rights of all Arab Americans, and anyone remotely suspected of terrorist activity. CTU is already feeling the effects of some of Lennox's mandates. The new security measure aimed at anyone with a Middle Eastern background is severely hampering the work of Nadia, a CTU employee with a grade-four clearance. Milo allows her to log in under his username, which could get them both fired.




12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M.

Reunited with his estranged father, Jack's family loyalties are put to the test as Graem reveals his involvement in terrorist activities; and a CTU analyst is abducted.

As President Palmer watches news coverage of the devastation and immense loss of life, Lennox seizes the opportunity to compel the President to implement martial law. The executive order, drafted by Lennox, would tremendously broaden the criteria and length of time by which citizens could be detained without access to counsel. The President reluctantly agrees. Later he realizes that he cannot sacrifice the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution simply because the U.S. is under attack.





1:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M.

Jack and the staff at CTU attempt to save Morris before he is delivered to Fayed; and President Palmer faces growing criticism, and possible mutiny from his own cabinet members.

While Chloe and Milo feverishly work to locate McCarthy, who has just abducted Morris, Jack is told that his brother Graem is dead. All signs point to cardiac arrest, seemingly a result of the interrogation. Jack doesn't have time to process this as Milo locates McCarthy's car via satellite, which requires Jack's immediate attention. If Fayed gets his hands on Morris, he may be able to force him to reprogram the triggers on the remaining nuclear bombs. Despite Jack's heroic efforts, Morris is delivered to Fayed.



2:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.

Jack gets closer to locating Gredenko, causing Phillip to use his own grandson as leverage in order to stop him; and Lennox becomes more deeply involved in a plot to overthrow the President.

After once again eluding capture, Fayed contacts Dmitri Gredenko. Fayed tells him that he has the reprogrammed trigger in his possession, and is ready to move forward with the plan. Gredenko is not happy that they now have only three bombs left, as the planned delivery system was devised with five detonations at high-priority targets. He assures Fayed that the delivery system will arrive within two hours. CTU is now aware that Gredenko, the former Soviet General who turned over the nuclear suitcase-bombs to BXJ Technologies for decommission, is in league with Fayed. They decide to concentrate their efforts on locating Gredenko, whom they hope will lead to Fayed.




3:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Jack discovers his father's role in the bombings; Lennox makes a bold play in order to stop the President's assassination; and the CTU staff is pushed to the breaking point. Jack — still disoriented and unsteady on his feet from the explosion — runs toward the CTU van, only to find it empty. Milo and Marilyn have taken cover in a nearby building. Phillip's henchman are instructed to bring Marilyn in alive, as Phillip needs her to locate Gredenko. Milo fires on Phillip's men, and is able to hold them off until Jack arrives. Milo is shot in the arm, but survives the ordeal. Marilyn tells Jack that Phillip forced her to mislead him by threatening to kill Josh. She also reveals that Phillip killed Graem. Jack is stunned, but manages to press on, insisting that she reveal Gredenko's safe house. Marilyn recognized the house when they were driving around, and provides Jack with the address. Jack asks CTU to dispatch a team to bring in Gredenko, while he and Marilyn head off to rescue Josh.




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4:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.

In order to locate Gredenko, Jack is forced to deal with Charles Logan, whom he despises; and the plot to assassinate President Palmer is nearing completion. Fayed and Gredenko are set to rendezvous so that they can put into place the final stage of their attack. Fayed has the three remaining nukes, and Gredenko has the aerial drones which will drop the bombs on their selected targets. They each have their own agenda, and don't completely trust one another, but must work together in order to achieve their goals. Jack is on his way to see former President Charles Logan, who is now under house arrest for his involvement in David Palmer's assassination. Gredenko's safe house turned up empty. According to Phillip Logan may be the only one who can find Gredenko. Logan reveals that Anatoly Markov, the Russian Consul General in Los Angeles, is deeply involved with Gredenko.





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