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not your fault


From your other postings, I have learnt a bit about your history. I don't think you should blame yourself. Regarding your ex-husband, I don't know if you should blame him either, not knowing the whole story. Sometimes, things just happen out of your control. It is not that you have done something wrong which caused him to find another woman.

Maybe you should forget about the past (though iti s difficult). Try to concentrate yourself on things other than relationship. For example, if you have a job, maybe spend more time on getting a promotion. If you haven't worked before or foir a long time, try finding a job may help. Of course, developing some interests may be good too, such as gardening, reading, photography, etc.


Dear unhappy bear

From what you said about your husband, I suppose he is not an unreasonable person. If his woman is calling you to disturb you, maybe you should let him know about it so that he could stop her from doing so.

I don't think it is time to find someone to fill up the void. The important thing is to relax instead of indulging in thinking about the broken marriage.
As you said, you have significant work pressure. MY two-pence advice is to deal with work pressure by a normal heart. Don't give pressure on yourself. Yes, there are work deadlines and bosses to deal with at work. Nonetheless, as long as you are doing your best, no need to worry too much. One way to deal with the pressure envrionment is to go to your firends, family members. Don't hide everything and pretend that you are ok. Since you are seeking help from doctors, why not also seek support from friends and relatives. By seeking help, I don't mean telling them stories about how much you are hurt, how much you still remember your ex, but to involve in gatherings/social frunctions with them, like taking a trip with them, watching a movie, shoipping, etc. By the way, don't just indulge in your own sorrow, if your parents are around, should you also take some time to take care of them? You know, I myself have found that there are something that I consider given (like parents aorund, keep complaining to me about this and that). But one day, when they are gone, I will be sorry that I haven't spent more time with them.

Good luck and don't carry a sad face. Simle and appreicate that you are well and alive. Think about all those people suffering around the world. you are much better in a sense. Happy tomorrow


Haven't heard from unahppy bear for a while, I hope she is feeling better now and can live a new life



You can see that lots of people support you and want you to lead a normal life again. Therefore, cheer up and take your past experience as a lesson and learn from the mistakes.


get some sipport from your friends, relatives and try to enjoy the festive Xmas holidays by eating and shopping.

Hope yuou have a merry Xmas




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