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when love dies (but sex is still alive!), should I break up ?

Dear Donmat

I was in similar situation although I was not under my parents' pressure to get married. You know, I broke up with my long time (4 years) gf while studying overseas, and then my current wife showed up. I knew her earlier but was treating her just like a friend. She was pretty and had interest in me. I don't know whether it was filling the void or what, somehow we stuck together. After one year or so, we got married. Now we have been married for many years and have two kids. I certainly have that companionship/partnership feeling towards her. Nonetheless, I don't know if it is sublimation or degeneration as I don't find the understanding any more and it is harder to communicate with here than my other friends (male and female). Is it true love? I don't know. I was trying to seek the kind of love which gives me the feeling of passion. But I've found that such passion-filled love may not be the bond to hold a family together, especially when you have kids around. There is no doubt that your love have to extend to the entire family, and cna't be just two of you. Therefore, although I remain a bit confused regarding the relationship with my wife, I am less dissatisfied with the lack of communication and spend my time with the family as a whole, "lblowing water" and other hobbies instead of like the youngsters chasing after passion.

Hope the experience from an old man help.


Dear Donmat

If making love is out of responsibility,  both of you would feel it and won't enjoy it, and eventually would quit doing it. ASk yourself if that's the case.




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