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Wine lovers! pls come in!!

friends, where can I find Leeuwin's Chardonnay in HK? I know that Rare and Fine Wine has it, any other place of reasonable price? Thanks.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 parklane 於 2006-11-22 10:04 AM 發表

U can try wine buff in wanchai.  They hosted a Leeuwin dinner about 2 months ago and they offers art series chardonnay for 03 vintage at less than 600 per bottle.  But I will caution you that n ...
Thanks Parklane, can you suggest some good Chardonnay for short and medium term drinking? I like the more elegant and complex burgundy style.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 tailawyau 於 2006-12-2 12:55 PM 發表
then why not going Burgundy direct?
Because good Burgundy is very expansive and unstable. I find that it's quite difficult to find good Burgundy less than $600! Some good Domains (like Leory) charge more than $800 for their entry level wine.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


Thanks for kenzo1111 and Parklane's suggestion.
I also want to ask for the storage of wine,  I have some white wine that stored in my office where temperature always keeps between 22-25 C but I find that many of the white loss their charming after 2 years, they are not especially bad but just has a feeling of flattened and a bit sour. I also find that most red Bordeaux stored in wine cellar developed a lot of sediment after 1-2 years of storage but the wines stored in my office has almost no sediment even they are the same wine as in my cellar, that's quite strange as I thought that higher temperature should cause the wine mature faster though they could be rough. Now I think that different temperature may force the wine to develope in different way, not only speed of maturity! how do you think?

相關搜索目錄: Wine


Thirty six's Bordeaux is quite expansive compare to other wine shop.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


Oh, it should be three sixty, not thirty six. quite strange name.


I want to ask those Burgundy experts about Domain Leroy, I know that the white head is Negociant wine and I want to know whether the red head is much better than the white head as it's usually at least 2x more expansive? and whether all their wine have both white head and red head version? Thanks.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


大家估下減酒稅後葡萄酒會平幾多? 以前如果進口一支 $100 元的酒打稅  $80, 加運費和倉稅後進口商的成本約 $200 左右, 若果 markup 20%-30% 賣給零售商, 零售商的成本大約 $250, 零售商 markup 30-50% 給客人, 到客人手上售價大約要 $350. 現在減了 $40 稅後, 如果利潤不變 (等於變相 markup 多了), 售價是 $310, 那麼消費者其實只是平了 11%. 如果是不經進口商直接進口葡萄酒的商舖, 才有幾會平到 15% 吧.


舊年份的 fine wine 香港和外地的價格分別不是很大, 但新年份的酒香港貴很多. 就算比星架坡最少都貴 20% 以上.  所以冇可能冇水位的.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


hope that I'm still here to read Parklane's notes at 2022. Agree with Parklane, I also find that I can't tell much difference between young aus. wine, they just taste all similar, more interesting thing is that after tasting more and more wine, i starting feel tired of those explosive fruit bomb style wine though I still enjoy some western aus. wine and some of their white wine is truly value for money.

[ 本帖最後由 barton 於 2007-5-21 16:58 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Wine


Dear brothers, I'm a newbie here, can I join?

[ 本帖最後由 barton 於 2007-8-21 01:23 編輯 ]


我冇去過, 但就有朋友最近食過生記, 佢話比以前貴左好多. 唔係太值.


$100 per bottle or for all bottles?


maybe we can list some restaurant for all to consider, and brother kenzo1111 you make decision la, it's for your birthday.


1. 生記
2. 榕記
3. Mirepoix
4. Bonheur
5. La Fleur Bistro (WanChai)


Just add all names to the list and vote later:

1. 生記
2. 榕記
3. Mirepoix
4. Bonheur
5. La Fleur Bistro (WanChai)
6. Le Mieux


原帖由 kenzo1111 於 2007-8-29 21:48 發表

so the final decision is.........??
i prefer CWB or Wan Chai,
Chai Wan, too far away la......!
but Mirepoix is at Central, not CWB or Wan Chai woo.


Should I bring also my Clos Du Marquis 99?

[ 本帖最後由 barton 於 2007-9-13 22:44 編輯 ]


Over, over, kenzo 兄你冇事嗎? 請回覆!

[ 本帖最後由 barton 於 2007-9-16 19:14 編輯 ]


我想不要帶太多酒了, 小弟酒量不好, 半支已收工.


Wonderful! good wine, good food (the king prawn is really tasty) and good friends. Thanks for all the arrangement.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


but I'll fell guilty to drink Palmer 01 now, just like infanticide


but better not drink if you get flu, just take some good rest take care!


Dejavu, have you checked the price at wine-searcher? It could give you an overview picture whether it's expansive compare to other place.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


I think $162 for 95 Wendouree is a very reasonable price. Even with wine-searcher, the cheapest one is $140 but who knows whether it's true! I believe if it's found in HK, it will be at least $1500.

相關搜索目錄: Wine




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