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when love dies (but sex is still alive!), should I break up ?

Dear Donmat,

The situation you are experiencing will not only been seen amongst unmarried couples, but also married men and woman.

Suppose you now quit your girl friend and find some one you have passion on, and got married with her, you may encounter the same feeling after a few years.  That is why the "7-year itch" is so common amongst married people.

I have got married for over 25 years.  I could still remember the 7th year after our marriage.  I had my two sons then.  We had no financial stress but we just found we lost all interests to talk with each other, apart from normal household matters.  I met a very amicable girl friend at the time who I regained interest to talk with.  But for the sake of keeping my marriage, I did not desert my wife.  I have promised to look after her at our wedding ceremony, and as a man, I simply kept my promise.

Two years later, I left HK and went abroad for a few months by myself.  My wife stayed in HK to look after my two sons.  During that time, I communicated with my wife through letter and telephone.  We found out that we had a lot to talk about, I told her my activities in overseas.  She told me how our family go in HK.  We found out we missed each other and after I came back to HK, our passion grew more and more.  We had many happy years after that.

I once asked my older friend how we could keep our marriage alive.  He advised that the important element is to "continuously adjust and re-adjust to each other" I consider this the truth.




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