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[ºÃÃø] Ãä­ÓÁ¿¦@­ê2 ­Ó¦r´N«Ê±þÊ\ ?




As a moderator, we're not encouraged to discuss our subjective opinions at any boards.  This will make members think that we're not neutral enough.

I agree that as a human, members can have your likes and dislikes of fellow members. However, when it comes to arguments, refrain from taking side, whether explicitly or indirectly. Even a slight but biased remark by us would not help settle the argument, but could lead to further resent on the part of a certain party in an argument, and so the tension between conflicting parties would not be eased.

Our job is to stop argument, and remind remembers of relevant board rules and warned people if necessary.

As concluded, either wordings of ¡u¨«ª¯¡vor¡u¦@­ê¡vwould not be recommended to use and there has possibility to initiated arguments or personal attack consequently.

Any further question or opinion, please PM me for discussion.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ©}¦Ú¤ó ©ó 2007-4-17 13:30 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ FXO ©ó 2007-4-17 20:22 µoªí
As concluded, either wordings of ¡u¨«ª¯¡vor¡u¦@­ê¡vwould not be recommended to use and there has possibility to initiated arguments or personal attack consequently.

Then why only banned ¦@­ê but ...
Please provide the member ID for investigation who is banned before.


­ì©«¥Ñ ¦V°Ý¤Ñ ©ó 2007-4-22 09:10 µoªí
1. ¦pªG§Ú­Ìºô¤Í¤¬¬ÛŽÁ¤j®a,¤H¥Í§ðÀ»,²Ê¤f¹ïŽÁ,ª©¥D¥S§Ì´N·íµM­n¸T¤î°Õ.

2. ¦ý¦pªG¥u¬O°Q½×"®É¨Æ¬F§½"¦³¤j®a"¦n"¦P"­ø¦n"ªº·N¨£,¨ä¹ê¬O°·±dªº.
Please enjoy the freedom of speech but not "¤¬¬ÛŽÁ¤j®a,¤H¥Í§ðÀ»,²Ê¤f¹ïŽÁ".

If healthy discussion continues without personal attack / offened any board rules, it is acceptable and nobody will be punished.




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