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原帖由 雄叔2007 於 2008-4-5 15:46 發表
「 若 不 是 耶 和 華 建 造 房 屋 , 建 造 的 人 就 枉 然 勞 力 ; 若 不 是 耶 和 華 看 守 城 池 , 看 守 的 人 就 枉 然 警 醒 」
( 詩 一 二 七 1 ) 。 小 心 , 要 信 靠 倚 賴 神 。 若 不 活 在 神 ...
Don't be bothered too much by that.  He did not understand what the passage talks about.  Your Christian has to justify his/her case about the context and background of the passage in order to apply it to any case.  On what condition and situation do the passage apply?  I think your friend will have very difficult time to explain his/her case.  It is completely foolish and extreme in his/her application of the passage.  Tell him/her to speak less and pray more.  Apply the love of God to understand your situation instead of condemning your case will be a better case for him/her.




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