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井底蛙遊踪之一 --- 梅林維X納 SN

原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-11-9 11:59 發表
得眾巴打不斷提醒, 以往光顧之熱門 SN 並不是唯一! 在 "銅人" 兄的"木每木木"報告的啟发下, 更蒙 "達" 兄仙人指路, 迅速联絡上超哥 (部长), 踏上梅林維X納 ...
Thanks for the great report.  In an early response I asked the stupid question whether you visted the sn or not.  Apparently I was too anxious to know the details after being absent from the forum for 2 weeks!
By the way, I presume you did not call the manager beforehand.  The price you were offered was just walk-in price??


原帖由 Haidada 於 2007-11-13 10:51 發表

Sha jing is not far from SZ. Suggest you try first the Tan hai, pls see PM. there shud be a bus from Luohu commercial city to go to Song Gang. Shud be about an hour. Song Gang and Sha Jing is j ...
Brother, can you pm me the inforamtion of both Sha Jing and Song Gang?  I am particularly interested in the SG sn as a result of your description of the MM.
Although CA is not too far as you mentioned, I think that SG is much better under some situation.  Traffic on the highway during peak hours is terrible and it would take another 20 minutes from SG to CA!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-11-15 08:33 發表

Q. 1 whether you visted the sn or not.  
Ans: Yes, I did visit the SN and my experience was reflected truly in the report.

Q. 2  I presume you did not call the manager beforehand.  The  ...
Thanks brother.  This is exactly what I would like to know.  Can you pm me the contact number so I can call ahead.
I agreed that the price is slightly higher than DG but time is also an important factor.  Sometimes when we are constrained by time available, it is always good to go to a place near SZ.
This is another reason that I would also like to explore the sn in Song Gang and Sha Jing mentioned by Haidada.




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