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皇覬崗又有新超豪場 - 水都

原帖由 march29 於 2007-12-31 17:58 發表
now every thing price is rising, I still recommend Wong Ma, before 6 pm,  
69 for 120 min, with lunch, fantaistic
Yes, I agree.  However, last I visited a few months ago, I found the bg's were not as good as before.  Only if you know who has better skill, I was a little disappointed.  Perhaps this is result of some brothers reported the RAT business that affects the overall quality of skill.
Do you have any to recommend?


原帖由 march29 於 2007-12-31 17:58 發表
now every thing price is rising, I still recommend Wong Ma, before 6 pm,  
69 for 120 min, with lunch, fantaistic
Brother, I agree with you.  I used to go there when I was free in the afternoon and never had the chance to try the lunch or dinner package.  Still I found Y69 a very good deal.
However, lately I was introduced to another place called Royal Aristocrat.  It used to call Oriental something.  I visited it in early 2005 and found the service very bad so I changed to OPS instead.  However, a friend invited me there early this month and I found the new management is doing much better.  The hardware and service are far better than HuangMa.  The first time, I paid Y98 and then they gave me a coupon (1 month expiry date) so the next visit costs me only Y68.  
Compare with HuangMa, it does not provide a meal but the price is 24 hours, not restricted to pm only.  By the way, the decoration is kind of like 皇室假期 and provides unlimited supply of fruit at the bar.  The room is comparable with OPS, certainly much better than HuangMa.  
Let me have your comment if you go and try it.


[quote]原帖由 parleur 於 2008-1-24 00:40 發表

Thanks for the information. Could you give us more details please? Where is it located? Does it provide special service like Huangma? [/qu




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