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原帖由 hhkk 於 2007-2-15 22:35 發表

What's your ave drive? How do you like your trajectory? What Loft is your driver? How's your impact? They're all important! Tell me those, I'll try to give you suggestion!
Average drive is 200-210 yard..
I am using 10 degree driver, recently the impact is OK (but I stop golf game for already 3 weeks due to my business trip), but I found my ball is usually a bit too high (maybe my swing form problem) ...

相關搜索目錄: Golf


原帖由 hhkk 於 2007-2-16 22:00 發表

Well, When was your last lesson with your golf instructor? and did you video taped your swing? when your ball go right is it going striaght to right, or from the middle to right, or from left ...
The last lesson is about half year ago. Sometimes I will tape my swing, and also there is a driving range can record every swing I have during the practice. What is the point..

My ball ususally go straight and then trun a little bit right in the end

相關搜索目錄: Driving Golf Video


原帖由 SexyLorraine 於 2007-3-2 14:20 發表
I agree to set up a golf topic here!
非 常 同 意 , 不 過 又 唔 係 太 多 人 上 黎 吹 下 水

相關搜索目錄: Golf


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