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I went to school there & was also an alter boy back in the 60's, the school is gone & the church ahs been re-built on the ground floor of a high rise condominium... I really miss this place that place I grew up... does anybody some any pics or memorable moments  to share?    ...thx


when I was there, it was 麥 耀 初 神 父... 陳神父 got there at my final year (Primary 6) in 1969...  it's so long ago & yet it seems like yesterday...  so, did you go to 基立小學too? maybe we were classmates?   ...thx


我都經常去萬茂台踢波. 返學如果行二馬路 (卽堅里地道,我家就在這街的天台木屋),就一定經個...重有去'活水'玩水. 制水期間就當沖涼tim. Unfortunately, everything is all gone, when I went back in recent years (I live in Canada). It's so sad!

the name doesn't ring a bell but if they went to 基立 at the time, I'm sure we knew one another! It was so small, just 2 classes per grade (甲與乙兩班) with P6 combined into one!

Yes that's how I remeber 麥神父 too, 幾惡 but a good priest nonetheless. I think the older one, 張神父 was friendlier. I liked & miss them all anyway!

你 or your cousins 又有什么回憶呀?可不可以 share 吓?


nsk兄, I never had the guts to try skateboarding down Kwong Ming St. I'm sure it was fun. 我好細膽

do you recall the left-wing school just beside 基立? ... 海陸豐, I think... every morning after their assembly, they'd have the routine political speeches &  play 東方紅... purposely positioned the speakers right at us just to intimidate, haunt, & provoke... we had to change our uniform from blue to grey to differentiate ourselves from them... good strategy & initiative but for a poor kid like me, those few bucks to get new pants were hard to come by! ..

I also recall the free gifts on Wed nights... usually a pond of fluor & I'd sell it along on the way home... if I got more than expected, I'd pocket the extra & spend it on 公仔紙!  ...the bag would say 'Donated by people of USA' . Even as a little kid, I was so intrigued by this & determined to go there to find out for myself why they were the donor & us the recipient! like, where did we go wrong! After all, we have a great history behind us!... my dream finally came true when I finished  secondary school, my elder brothers (me being youngest) 已'出身', 有嘢做, 合力送我去加國讀書. 一去便是三十年...  現在老了, 又有一些鳥倦知還的感覺...

Duck 兄, 我無參與彌撒 .但我每次回港, 都一定回母校, 聖堂, 光明街,進教圍 一帶徘徊, 回憶後便入聖堂, say a prayer, 放下奉獻, 滿懷感觸後離去.. I guess I never rejected or resented it, just that my faith has diminished quite a bit over the years.... Having said that. 這宗教, 聖堂在我極度難苦的時刻幫個我, 我屋企及一班好似我一樣的弱世社群, for that I'm forever grateful & 永不忘記...   It's worth noting that decades later, in this affluent & prosperous HK, there're still so many people that are as poor as (or poorer) than I ever was... with surpluses in record number, it's just despicable that there's so little money or resources allocated in the budget to help them.

Duck 兄, the new church is nice but I really miss the old one. Would 羅國輝神父 have some pics saved somewhere during the design stage or before it was torn down? if so, is there any way that we could post it here or somewhere else?




我都有幫陣公廁同士多... 岉光明街d屋無廁所, 咁我哋間天台木屋就威D羅, 嘻嘻.. 十幾伙人用一個廁所, 係就係flush toilet, but with no water supply. we had a big water tank beside it to hold 洗衫, 洗菜水...  sad to think that some folks still live this way in this glamorous & affluent city!


咁都係相差好少, 我69年畢業... 你有什麼回憶呀? favorite place? incident? teacher etc?  ...speaking of teachers, the one I miss & admire most is Miss Ding (丁鴻華), she taught me English & music... she must be in her 60's now but I think she's still very active as a volunteer - both in & out of the church... what a role model!


原帖由 toester327718 於 2007-4-3 22:59 發表
perhaps she became 校長 after I left but she's exactly like you described. As a matter of fact, I recall her operation (on her face) while I was there. 全部女同學都好 worried, 因為個個都好想似 Miss Ding 咁靚同 smart, 考入聖心讀呢..

kenny6339兄, 你講D地方我全部都有回憶. I can't think of too many on my own but when you mentioned it, it rang a bell right away! I can only add theatres to your list - 香港大舞台, 麗都, 京都, 國thai 等

講真其實基立係幾時停辨的? does anybody knowl?


mud 大舞台有脫衣舞架? 我就只識去睇陳寶珠D電影咋! 60 年代地尾好似有D 港產鹽嘢, 甚應七檎七踵七色狼等... 不過我就末夠年齡啦...

how about the store that sold 生魚葛菜湯? I think they have one now called 三不賣 的 in the same vicinity, when I went back last year. ..not sure if it's genuine, same as the original...  looks like they have stores in Kowloon as well...  anyway, my grand mom used to take me to the store in 灣仔, 我記得佢哋都好寸的, 經常唔開鋪. 但D 湯好好飲, 好有益 (亞婆話)


原帖由 dckv 於 2007-4-30 12:57 發表

很高興有幾位朋友願意分享有關" 灣仔基立小學和聖母聖衣堂"的舊事,記得上次有問到有否關於" 灣仔基立小學和聖母聖衣堂"的圖片,現登出幾幅有舊的、也有現在的,給大家分享﹗




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