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[原創] 井底蛙遊踪之十 ---- 游泳令人健康的 SH SN

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-6 08:15 發表
But remember to make request for the VIP room............... don't make the same mistake as I did!
According to the manager the VIP room overall charge is 548 which is not 50 more but 130 more.

Please confirm with the Manager next time and pm me the name thank.

BTW, !)* is on M-leave until early next week.

Not sure whether this is true or not as I cannot feel any ladies product used


Don't expect too much from the VIP rooms and it seems the management is not very honest as I was told the the charge with the gal is 548.

I waited for Ella for almost 40mins and was told that she was on m-leave.......... (or maybe due to typhoon or storm in SZ lately)

Will try again but maybe much later as it is quite windy nowadays.


Ad in newspaper again, they are very aggressive but during this windy season..............




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