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Nikon D3 1,210¸U¦³®Ä¹³¯À

­ì©«¥Ñ Maverick ©ó 2007-12-31 21:06 µoªí

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D3 µ´¹ï«Y Nikon ¦³¥v¥H¨Ó³Ì¦nªº¬Û¾÷ ...
I had seen the sample photographs taken, and was very much impressed by their quality and unique sharpness: see http://www.dcfever.com/cameras/viewsamples.php?set=252&picture=1772.

Given the bugs now facing Canon EOS 5D Mark II, this Nikon D3 might be a better buy.  Perhaps, we, the Nikon lovers, should keep our fingers across hoping not to have any bugs with Nikon D3, or if there are any, they be resolved quickly.




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