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Hell's Kitchen 地獄廚房

Hell's Kitchen 地獄廚房

今日睇左第一集, 幾好睇呀

Hell's Kitchen
Episode 01 地獄廚房

這個全新真人Show相當緊張刺激,大廚Gordon Ramsey挑戰十二位人士做其門生,到其餐廳進行角力賽,最後勝出的一位,Gordon會讓他全權打理一間餐廳。不過,Gordon所挑選的弟子並非有大廚背景,有一半人竟然是文職文員,所以遊戲開始時,Gordon便要求各人煮一道有把握的菜式給Gordon品評,然後才正式進入廚房,為晚市作準備,不過,菜式未到客人手上,有初哥已經被Gordon罵得狗血淋頭。

Fascinating and confrontational reality series which turns up the heat for a varied group of well-known faces. This two-week culinary boot camp takes one no-nonsense, high-profile chef, and attempts to create chefs out of 10 celebrities with barely an ounce of cooking expertise between them. After brief intensive training, they take over the kitchen of the town's newest and most exclusive restaurant, where their ability to survive the pressure cooker atmosphere will be judged by a generous handful of celebrity diners and sharp, critical viewers. Two weeks of live shows and 24-hour TV camera surveillance both in the kitchen and their living quarters culminates in a phone vote with one of them named the country's newest Celebrity Chef.


雖然Gordon Ramsey冇 Jamie Oliver 咁靚仔,但佢唔鬧人時, 都幾型




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