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[疑難] 請問我有咩方法揾倒我女友呢??pls help

don't waste your time furthermore.
Thus will only create yourself much more unhappiness.
4 years of marriage might gone into a waste let alone, u only know her by mobile number.
you are 30+ man. You should know what to do.
It doesn't matter whether she's ABC or CBC or whatever.
Her body language and attitude already reflects that all these time, you are only a part-time ( sorry for being blunt cos i couldn't find a suitable word ).


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Why do you want to know the answer ? can you handle the truth ? can you deal by yourself when you know the truth ?
Many ppl always want to find the answer why this and that... why you break off with me ? why you have an affair with others behind my back ? why why why ?
Look around the world. Take today appledaily headline for example. That young girl jumping off her building.
I see it as a stupid way to 'end' a relationships. She couldn't handle the peer pressure as well as , maybe , The truth. She is lucky to escape death. How very lucky. She should buy mark6 tonight.
Anyway, normally truth will only dampen your confidents and your moral furthermore, as nasty things might said or do. Forget about it. Stick to your life as it's still going on. Btw, if you handle it then you know what to do.

Maybe i can share a quote from somewhere i've read:
1st stage in life , you don't know , you don't know
2nd stage in life, you know, you don't know
3rd stage in life, you know, you know
4th stage in life, you don't know, you know
see which stage you are in..
There's no such things as best way to end a relationship or 殘忍 way to end it.
The ultimate goal is to END~!!!
As for me, the best way is still 殘忍 way thus, it can shorten the period for healing.
Hey, maybe 殘忍 way is the be


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i'm sorry to hear about your mom incident.
I'm hope her loved son will wake up from his castle in the air and start living soon.


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well well well.... a big twist in the tale.
First of all,  would like to congrats you on your bravery and at the same time, you found the truth to your liking.
holding on the phone for more than an hour just by listening her crying shows you have the patience, but does that moved her heart ? we shall see.
As on your analysis that she likes you.
hmmmmm....... i quote you :

我相信她的新boyfriend 係一個
外國人或 abc ,我直接問佢,有冇愛過我,

since she has a new bf .Note that it's a new bf. Obviously she has an empty calender inwhich she didn't even bothered to find you back ??? or even give a slight contact or msn or sms or icq or whatever ???
I doubt very so.............................

Regarding on the crying part.... i dunno and i'm not in particular good shoes to access these.
Cos she might treat you as ONLY a best friend. Someone to confine with, Someone who can talk and shares woes with. Someone who can show your inner feelings without wearing a mask.
This are the kinda of friends that you will break infront of.
Maybe you are the guy ???
But put this clear, soul mates are strictly soul mates.
Not in any chance of turing into a relationships.

my 2pcs of mind


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Sorry for the late reply. I was busying with horse racing last night.
Anyway, it's a big test for you , buddy.
After viewing your text. I discover one thing....
are you willing to let go ? i do doubt about her feelings to you. As a matter of fact, i do doubt if she's telling you the truth and she's lying to you. simple as that.
I think you should let go and live better instead of crying over.


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To let go or let it be or whatever the case, It's all up to you.
You are an adult and should know what to do.
If you like to cry nightly and worried about her daily... by all means... go ahead.
oh yeah... recently there's a song by eason chan. There's a pharse saying "富士山下"
"人活到几岁算短 失恋只有更短?" <=== this is to clear your mind
"我绝不罕有,往街里绕过一周,我便化乌有 "<==== I believe this pharse, she will sing to you.


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good lar.. go karaoke with frens... have a couple of drinks... sing your heart out....
search for a new target....
u will be in good shape in no-time.


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。
sure.. u can always drop me a line.


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u can email me at kingrenzo@hotmail.com


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