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ONLY 15: A report from Hainan

原帖由 winsletty 於 2007-1-1 19:50 發表
Personal viewpoint,the report is too long to read.
And play with a girl only 15years old is danger.You want to find the pure feeling in business,but it is not available at last,I suppose.
FULLY AGREE!!!!! All bros must pay full attention to this:
In China the legal age is 16, and anything under 16...if you x with
them and get caught it will be very seriuos penalty, and the worst
thing is: girls in China always have fake ID that they borrow from
someone or make up a fake one by paying, so there is high risk
of getting the suspicious young look that is under 16...
Of course young girls are nice, but 17 or 18 or 19 ( at least the look )
will be more safe.

相關搜索目錄: Make up




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