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珠海昌安好X界桑拿 (有圖)

Newbie Question

Hi Brothers,

I'm an ABC making my 1st trip to China (Zhu Hai) this year. Read a few posts here and seems like 昌安x世界 and 新昌安 are worth checking out (open to suggestions). My Chinese is ok, but I don't know the proper terminology. I'm sure I don't walk into the sauna and just ask how much to get laid. Could someone teach me what to say and when to say it? Do I go into the sauna and just ask for a room and tell them I need special service once I'm in the room? Please help me out bothers. Thanks.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-1-30 11:37 發表

No need to say anything. Just pick the normal room or VIP room. Prices are different but the fee for girls is same.
Thanks peninsula. But when do I talk to the mamasun about the price? Is it negotiable? Or do I just go to the room and ask what the price is for 套餐?


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-1-31 16:10 發表

Not negotiable. For example, normal room $288, VIP room $338. So just pick what you like.
thanks bro,

and do they typically do line ups here or just show u photos?
by-the-way, how do I ask for a line up in Chinese?

and how much should the girl price be for a normal room?


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-2-1 15:40 發表

Real life show, MAN!
??? What does that mean???


原帖由 SMUmbrella 於 2007-2-3 00:09 發表

Bros ABCinChina, they have NO photo book and you'd ask supervisor "Siu Hung" for BGs line-up services for you !
can u please write "Siu Hung" in chinese? I can read some Chinese, but can't figure out what these 2 words are. Thanks.




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