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我的初次海联 3P 經驗

thanks to Mr icheng, I went to HL yesterday with Madam SUNG reserved a room for me. she originally said she would reserev doggie for me but on my arrival, she told me that doggie was still on leave. i then have *!

*! is a petite and playful lady with good figure and excellant attitude in serving customers. the service is the standard HL style. Thus, i will not give the details. suffice to say that it was great with *!'s excellant service attitude. she said she would leave to take a rest within a few days.

In total, I paid RMB500. I was told that walk-in price is RMB100 more expensive.

Madam SUNG is an attractive lady

[ 本帖最後由 colourwolf 於 2007-9-21 05:41 編輯 ]


Went there yesterday in the afternoon. Absolutely agreed that the hardware is not that good.

I called Madam Sung in advance and she rushed back to receive me. She had arranged @* for me, which is a lovely lady with big bobs. Real person looks much better on photos. A playful and cheerful young lady.

The room, however, is hot. I was told that the management has turned off the central aircon... I was sweating like in hell.


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-11-16 08:49 發表

Right........ yesterday afternoon I was there, too. The temperature was too high and I found that it was not a pleasant trip for me, though the girl was acceptable in general (but not particu ...
I might have bumped into you

when i was at the G/F lift lobby, i saw a young handsome CHing... who appears to be from HK...


原帖由 def_lo 於 2007-11-16 09:11 發表
I know you're my good brother and won't hide anything from me!! But I still have to express my shock on how bad the management is!!??
Personally, I think the softwares are great. The only shortfall is the hardware. The issue is, is software or hardware more important to you?


been to there recently. Want to get @* but madam Sung said that she was on her M-leave.

I have chosen ^^ instead. Real person looks much better than photos. slim, around 5 feet 4, not big boobs.

Feels that she has a sad background and story, though her service is courteous and real professional. stopped her professional service, just want to hug her, talk to her, and let her get some rest...

i think i should quite going north...




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