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原帖由 temp123 於 2007-4-6 05:25 發表



這兒不是愛情信 ...
yes C HING that is correct! thanks for the tutoring
but I cannot see much difference between "normal" girls and these workers... maybe i haven't met or my C HINGS in real life haven't met any good girls yet.... it seems that 'normal' girls want $ and also your $..... at least for bookworms like me and my brothers,

i went to have fun yesterday, and before having fun, the normal foot massage girl asked me why I am so young and already come out to play? why no gf?

ai.... there are no man (i think) who would naturally like to come out to play girlgirl... at least for my friend groups, we all started as Good People (Denshi Otoko), but........... it just seems to me that there are almost no difference between 'normal' girls and workers, we are all human, all selfish....
sorry about throwing out words in here  
GB-78 去滾Gundam 训练型
入伍日期 18Mar07; 作战:7; MS遭遇: Zeon 5 Zaku/ EFSF 1 GM; 资源: 2115


就是要當壊男人 C HING i want this book ar hahah
GB-78 去滾Gundam 训练型
入伍日期 18Mar07; 作战:7; MS遭遇: Zeon 5 Zaku/ EFSF 1 GM; 资源: 2115


原帖由 dw78 於 2007-4-6 11:37 發表


一般來説,像鯊魚的女性到底 不多。只不過在廣東這種相對複雜的社會,一個隻身出來掙錢,又在風花雪月之地出出沒的女性,即使本性不是鯊魚 ...
even though i know everything is a fake即使本性不是鯊魚, but i still want to use some $ to create and buy a dream, even though it is only a few hours that's why i felt a bit 沉 for that girl i was talking about
GB-78 去滾Gundam 训练型
入伍日期 18Mar07; 作战:7; MS遭遇: Zeon 5 Zaku/ EFSF 1 GM; 资源: 2115


長岸gor, totally agree with your point, sometimes when it happens it happens,you cant do anything with it....
GB-78 去滾Gundam 训练型
入伍日期 18Mar07; 作战:7; MS遭遇: Zeon 5 Zaku/ EFSF 1 GM; 资源: 2115


長岸 gor, hope you feel better now, ai.... sometimes i want to ask all C-Hing 1 thing, if you really meet someone who seriously love you and really care for you, will you guys still come out to have fun?
GB-78 去滾Gundam 训练型
入伍日期 18Mar07; 作战:7; MS遭遇: Zeon 5 Zaku/ EFSF 1 GM; 资源: 2115


原帖由 浪高長岸 於 2007-4-14 15:04 發表
我都知自已有錯,猤應叫朋友去嫖她,所以最後也當倍償比多三千她.第三個其實沒什麼,只是她猤停要錢,她是正經人家,我和她認識一年多才拍拖的,猤過和其她女人一樣,一拍拖就猤工作,猤學嘢,只會玩和睡,所以我說大 ...

yes totally agree. i also met a girl in TianJin, she told me she liked me at first, but then in 3 days she suddenly got a rich bf who she says he owns a french restaurant.  
and then she broke up (got fly) by that rich guy and came to me, so i decided to play lor, keep asking how much $ i make, and asking me about getting marry including going to her home to see her parents (we were only together for a few days). please note that at this point it has only been 1 month since she first ditched me for the rich guy, does she really think i am stupid? i have not even sleep with her yet...  and then she told me her boss hate her and doesnt want to work anymore, and ask me to 養她 ....

GB-78 去滾Gundam 训练型
入伍日期 18Mar07; 作战:7; MS遭遇: Zeon 5 Zaku/ EFSF 1 GM; 资源: 2115



haha that's a gundam pilot
GB-78 去滾Gundam 训练型
入伍日期 18Mar07; 作战:7; MS遭遇: Zeon 5 Zaku/ EFSF 1 GM; 资源: 2115


原帖由 浪高長岸 於 2007-4-15 19:21 發表
i'm <25 hehe i'll play 玩多啲 la gum

no, 人家年輕女仔真的要談戀愛結婚,正常當然會搵D同聲同氣同年紀 and got a lot of $ D人 or simply a lot of $ D人啦  haha C=Hing, that's what we young dudes feel or are experiencing

相關搜索目錄: 結婚
GB-78 去滾Gundam 训练型
入伍日期 18Mar07; 作战:7; MS遭遇: Zeon 5 Zaku/ EFSF 1 GM; 资源: 2115




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