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 29 12


Dear Tony 1, I think this forum is ok. Dont go else where. the reason of few replies is they move to the new froum where  some brothers ancnot find and reregister. Time will prove more brothers will join. reading this will help to pacify the mood. When I first got HPV, I just want to die and I don't know how I got this . and I am so worry. I go to see Dr S Chan and I think I am fine now and I kown sometime it will come back. If you keep good health , it will not come back often.  I am trying not to go out to play, but sometime it is difficult to resist. I always thinking of going or not going. May be I need another kind of doctor i.e. Kelly Chan in Mo Kan do.


My Doctor told me the virus is just sleeping. they will come back if they wake up. Quit smoking and wine to have good health will help to keep virus slleeping. Every time they sleep longer, the next sleeping time will be more longer.  So keep fighting to have good health to force virus to sleep forever.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


Brother Puremark
如果一星期有好轉就唔找 Dr. Ho...
如果唔得再找 Dr. Ho...... 現等 1.5月後 再blood test...
hope no problem...

Don't do this. Go to see Dr Ho, untill everything is fine or you will be sorry


如轉BLOG.. 可能可以防 sam1234.. 但新的第一次中招的brothers
就少了一個知道中招info and good doctor info.
如果問題不是很大.. 我希望不要轉...

Don't change Blog There are so many sam1234 and they are everywhere. We stand firm and knock them out.


Don't be upset and down. This is new forum and it needs time to be matured.


I did all the protective measures including condom, But I still got  it , don't know why. Dr Chan said that It is due to close contact and rubbing during intercourse


when you claim insurancem, be very careful, If this is your company insurnce company , there is a chance it will keep a copy in your personal file in your HR dept.


Brother, I guess I got the disease, Please tell me where I can find Dr Ho I get this from here but I don't know Who is Dr Ho.

皮膚及性病專科名單有 dr 的名字的


Please let me know his iniital and address , I want to see him right a way.

many thanks


Thank you brothers for your PM.
I have book appointment with Dr. Ho on Monday, Everything should be fine


Dr. Ho said I may have HVP and I have to retest to confirm. I am so afraid that I may lose my girl friend.
He give me drug to take and say it should be Ok to control the disease. Dr Ho is very kind and understanding and even offfer to explain to my giirl. But I sm still down.very down because I don't go out to play alll the time, may be once in every 2 or 3 months


No. 1 is really a problem


最重要是充足休息,健康的生活 If you sleep enough , the disease is not comming back.  I have this feeling that If during the preriod , I feel strong , it does  not come back .   Dr Ho even ask me to see Chinese doctor and take chinese medicine so that I can sleep well.


Since I have #2 , I do not go out to play. I feel guilty of myself


#2 of HPV Every one before, I have my condom on but I still get it


15/ Doctor will be on holiday from 18 (Friday) to 28 Sunday,

Brothe make your own arrnangement if you want to see hime


原帖由 BLACK_SARENA 於 2009-3-19 15:45 發表

I think they have just like me. become a semi - CD rom. Read most of the time and reply little. Sometimes there is no mood to reply as you know , it is very down having the disease and knowing it will never cured.  Like me , I diy and dont touch woman for almost 5 years.


原帖由 好運 於 2009-5-11 14:27 發表

地址係將軍澳果個 ??

Address :  

Good luck

小弟不打算在這個「性知識 forum」和任何人買廣告,
會即時 ban account 。

[ 本帖最後由 HJ2127_ATR1 於 2009-5-12 09:58 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 廣告 性知識


Dear all,
Dr Ho will be on leave from 01 Oct ( Thursday ) to 11 Oct 09 (Sunday). 12 Oct  will be in clinic as usual.


原帖由 BLACK_SARENA 於 2010-3-28 17:07 發表


隻隻不同, 太約平均兩三佰驗一樣.
@2000, the price should be OK if include all. Aid is expensive   I did twice in differnet lab and different Dr  ( Dr Ho and Dr Chan ) different time about one year interval.


原帖由 man002 於 2010-6-28 07:24 發表

Are u kiding, I really do not know.  I think it is more safe for handjob, Virus is too terrible


I have not make big outside for almost 8 years since I got it . The moment I knew , I almost want to kill myself . It is a hard time since then.  But It did not come back all the time and not even once for the last 3 years. But I still not yet recovered mentally. I have seen Dr. Chan and also the well known Dr. Ho. Dr chan told me that even I have my condom on I will still got it becasue it does not cover the buttom part especially when the action is wild.  So, brothers and sisters, no matter how careful and cautious, you may still get the virus. You can only completely imune from it by 2 ways,  don't do it and may God be with you.


Brothers, If you have smehting worrying you, go to see any license sex disease doctor for the first time and do labortory test.  To know what to do and what happened . You then can decide whether you want to go to govenment clinic or not. But just don't go for government first anyway not for first time.  they are not reliable and sometime make you afraid to death


原帖由 BLACK_SARENA 於 2010-7-19 15:50 發表

食藥(保康絲)就應該不會, 有副作用.
噴野(Rogaine)就諗緊, 但都要用一世...
Use for ever is not true.  Precida 保康絲 has side effect, which will decrease your sexual power. But if you stop taking, the power slowly comes back.  
For Rogaine, Use the extra strength one. I found it useful and I am still using it now. I have use on and off for almost 10 years.  It works.  For the hair problem , I suggest to use  Rogaine ( extra strength.)


Brothers, Dr Ho of  15/F will be on leave 20 Aug to 25 Aug. Please note.


介紹椰仔同治療方法, 有興趣可以睇下  

It is informative. If interested, should read.  Try to control your desire, only make love with those you know.


 29 12


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