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[原創] 密宗按摩 spiritual and sensual body massage

密宗按摩 spiritual and sensual body massage

Experience built on ancient practices and philosophy. Through Tantra you connect with your true self. After letting go of thoughts and allowing energy to flow freely in the body you can achieve a higher state of consciousness.
During sessions your body is seen and treated as a whole, as the temple of your pure divine being.
a service open for men, women and couples of all ages and sexual preferences.

Tantric Breathing Techniques are demonstrated at the start of the massage session.  A full body Tantric Massage, starting with your back, continuing with your front. Close the session with the genital area, massaging the lingam/yoni. Massage is combined with elements of Tantric Rituals.


Eye gazing, making a third eye connection, welcoming Shiva and Shakti in you and in your partner.

A deep connection in a laid down position, when you can disappear into oneness. Powerful technique also to release repressed emotions. Combined with intense Tantric Breathing.


Tantric Hug:
An intimate, soft hug, combined with Tantric Breathing. Simultaneous and alternating breathing.

Tantric Play:
It is fun; it is about experiencing stages of becoming aggressive, sensual, and erotic


A beautiful ritual, honoring the divine in you and in your partner. You can express love, intimacy, sensuality with the warmth of your hand, without having to touch the other one.

Self Love Ritual:
Self pleasuring, discovering your beautiful body. A big stepping-stone towards a healthy self-esteem and learn to truly love yourself while sharing the experience. Combined with specific Breathing Techniques and Affirmations


Tantric Sit:
After having reached a state of higher energy level, the female sits on her male partner’s lap. They breathe and vibrate together in this ecstatic flow.

Yoni/Lingam gazing:
A Tantric Meditation with Breathing Techniques. You can get lost and experience endless peace while gazing at the genital area of your partner.

[ 本帖最後由 hahadad 於 2011-1-10 16:00 編輯 ]


• Awakening the senses:
Stroking the entire body with silky scarves and feathers.

• Withdraw of the sarong:
a slow ritual, when you lose sense of the motion of your sarong.

• Worship:
Female is honoring male, using light touch, and making magic circles around the body.

Chakra Work:
Laid down postures: the partners make a connection through the root chakra.

Female lays on top of Male, both face down, breathing together in harmony.

Alignment of the chakras: Activate each energy center of the body, starting from the base chakra and making a connection between the partners. Also called Tantric Love making. Using energy flow, sound, breath, touch.

Chakra Breathing: Activate each energy center of the body starting from the base chakra. Meditative guided Breathing Technique using specific sounds to leave an endless harmony in the body and mind


What is Tantra?
Tantra and Tantric practices originate from India and are thousands of years old. Tantra in Sanskrit means to weave. The basic premise of the word Tantra is that life is like a tapestry of thousands of individual, colorful threads. The universe is described as the divine play of female and male, female and male poles.

Tantra gives us wonderful tools to make life happier, more colorful and fulfilled. With such tools and techniques like touch, massage, breath and energy flow, we are given the opportunity to use our full potential, to use our life force for what it was intended – that is for creation.


The full massage consists of 12 sessions. Step by step. Will come back after sleep.


Brothers, any infomation or matter or how that you want to know ?


In a tantric massage, the body is seen as a whole. The Tantric massage does not focus particularly on any body parts, it includes the entire body. First you receive a massage laying on your front and after that laying on your back. The Tantric Massage is closed with the genital massage, honoring the lingam/yoni.
During the massage both partners are naked. Breathing exercises and some of the Rituals are performed in sarong.


The massage takes place on massage table and on a futon mat on the floor as well. Most of the session takes place on the futon mat.


The goal in Tantra is not to reach ejaculation. But to become familiar with other existing paths of joy and pleasure. The practice of specific breathing techniques and tantric exercises can allow you to have full body orgasms and multiple orgasms without having to ejaculate.

The process of ejaculation generates a lot of sexual energy. Instead of losing and wasting this powerful source, in Tantra it use the energy and circulate throughout the entire body.


The therapists are white women, expert in Tantra. You may ask for 2 therapists at the same time if u can afford.


keep reading and hope to see your report soon.


原帖由 thomasleung 於 2011-1-14 03:33 發表
Hahadad C-Hing
Do you mean they have someting like what you described in HK? I am interested to know. Please pm me for details.

Have tried something like that in Prague a few years ago although it ...
Brother thomasleung, I think they are in the same group. Let me put down  the 12 procedures.It was for one male or one female or both or the combination you want which you can afford.


You can choose to have a male or/and female therapist working in the sesion. the choice is yours.


01. Energy Awakening:
Massaging the buttocks, around the anus so energy can travel up the spine.
02. Back Massage:
Massaging the back in the shape of figure of eight using the buttocks
03. Sensual Spots:
Caressing the sensual spots and erogenous zones on the body to awaken sexual energy.
04. Genital Massage:
Gently holding the heart and the genitals in preparation of the lingam massage.
05. Slow Lingam Massage:
Gently massaging the penis using rotating movements.

Please read on.


06. Squeezing Movements:
Stroking and gently squeezing the end of the penis for heightened awareness.
07. Root Chakras:
Connecting the genital areas to transfer massage energy through the base of the spine.
08. Tantric Sit:
Sitting in an intimate embrace. Deep breathing and contracting muscles.
09. Female/Male Poles:
The man concentrates on his breathing, while his partner observes her feeling.
10. Giving Guidance:
Explanation of the session, what will happen and general instructions.
11. Tantric Play:
Playful exercise using the body and head, sensual, erotic and aggressive modes.
12. Yoni Gazing Meditation:
The man gazes at the female partner's genitals and breathes while concentrating on the vagina and his feelings.



13. Breathing Exercises:
Breathing starts and the therapist checks for the correct movement and tempo.
14. Bonding Ritual:
Intimate hug, here the man breathes hard while the female partner rests on top.
15. Removing the Sarong:
Gentle removal of the sarong from the body creating floating sensations.
16. Distributing oil:
Applying hot oil to the back in preparation for the massages.
17. Energy Flow:
Holding the heart and genitals, making a connection between the client and the therapist.
18. Prepairing Tantric Play:
Preparing to play using the body and head. Play sensually, then sexually, then aggressively.


19. Calming Touch:
Place hands on the body to connect energy in preparation for session.
20. Calming Cuddle:
Calming passive cuddle after the session to relax.
21. Expansion:
Big deep breath and muscle contraction allowing the energy to expand in the body.
22. Circulating energy:
Relaxation after the deep breath, energy flowing around the body.

Any questions ?  

Four Hands Tantric Massage Sessions coming after sleep.


Four Hands Tantric Massage Sessions
Can anything better then a four hands Tantric massage with two Goddesses?
Double the pleasure, let go of the mind and connect to your sensual self. Experience the spiritual bliss through your senses, through conscious touch, meditation, breath and energy flow.
Feel the magic, as your body is being wrapped up in a layer of joy and love!


Breathing is so important and necessary in Tantric Breathing
Breathing is essential to the practice of Tantra as it helps you to relax and channels your energies.
Far from being a tedious or difficult part of Tantra, you can achieve fantastic, vibrating states just through breathing. And when you also use you voice, your own sound - you are 『giving』 by exhaling.


Music, oil, candles, incenses, colors...
It is important during a Tantra session that all of your senses are involved and awakened. So it is vital to create a space to practice that is visually and emotionally stimulating.
For example to stimulate your aural senses soft music played in the background can take your mind to different places. To excite your visual senses, bright colors and candlelight can either be stimulating or calming for your eyes depending on the required experience.
Incense and essential oils affect your sense of smell and open up your energy centers. During the Tantric experience even your sense of taste can be influenced, with delicious snacks to delight the tongue - such as soft, succulent fruits like fresh grapes, cherries, strawberries or dried fruits like raisins and figs etc.


You can bring along your girl friend to enjoy as well.
The massage session starts with Breathing Exercises and a few Tantric Rituals to increase your sexual energy and to make a connection between the two of you and among the therapist

Through a guided massage exchange, which includes the whole body, also the honoring of the lingam/yoni. You work together with the therapist on your partner by following a few massage strokes and techniques.

After the female has received her massage, it is time for the male to enjoy a full body tantric massage.


In one to one session
.  Activating the sexual meridians: meditative slow caresses.

• Discovering sensual spots, exploring each corner of your body, awakening all your senses, to find erogenous zones you might have never known about.

• Practicing Tantric Techniques: to control ejaculation and to expand your sexual energy.

• By using muscle contractions and deep breathing you preserve your energy for your own healing and pleasure.

• Fire breath: a powerful Breathing Technique to raise the level of your sexual energy and reactivate the energy flow in your whole body.


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