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訂最低工資 時薪33至35元


冇人覺得D拎綜援既拎得太多, 要用綜援來比較最低工資而唔係倒番轉?

冇明確殘疾(體能或心理), 長期病患或低於65歲根本唔應該可以申請綜援.

有手有腳既乞丐唔應該當作人類處理.  夜班普通住宅大廈既保安(唔使點做野嗰種) 都開價$8000.  冇工開係自己攞嚟, 呢D廢物冇權問政府攞錢.


原帖由 Rubber 於 2008-10-12 11:09 發表
Some reports about the effect of minimum wage ordinance :
In UK and USA, the findings have been
1/  There has " no measurable adverse effect on employment or inflation."
2/  No obvious incentive fo ...
in that case, is there equal "positive" effect on employment or inflation?  i see this as merely a play on words, propaganda if you will.  pay raise for minimum wagers will only promote the deterioration of incentive to work harder, and not the other way around.  as someone else have mentioned, minimum wage should be related to the amount of social benefits and welfare of the community we live in(aka HK), however, HK workers and business owners' ethics are vastly different than North America or even the UK, and we cannot use the same standards as they do.  It's difficult to determine what should or should not be done in Hong Kong to improve living standards for minimum wagers, but some people here blindly expecting minimum wages to raise because other countries do is merely selfish thinking, and no different than the bosses they work for.  If someone spends as much time whining here as they do working, perhaps they won't be a part of the minimum wager's group.  It's too bad there are so many biased viewpoints from the likes of Ho Ting, who can't accept any other's viewpoints but his own.


原帖由 Rainybreeze 於 2008-10-14 23:01 發表
Mandatory minimum wages is neither entirely good nor bad.  It's a mean,a tool, a measure.  And there is time we would need to use thistool.  We all build our nations based on competition, and we will bedistorting the system to a different model as the government stepin.  That's why, hopefully, someone who knows what he/she is talkingabout could answer for Hong Kong.
i disagree.  mandatory minimum wages in HK i don't believe will be a good thing.  it might work elsewhere, but unless with other steps involved, including social benefits and more income tax.  so many others on this post only see higher income = better productivity leading to better general economy.  sorry, but that's not so simple, and especially not in Hong Kong where everything is as you say, competitive.  minimum wage will only force companies to cut down employees with less future on a guess.  it will make other employees less efficient because there is less incentive to work harder, because mandatory minimum wage is only for the bottom of the barrel.  it will also force many older and handicapped people into early retirement because companies will refuse to hire them because hiring someone younger will be the same price.  we're talking older as in 45 being replaced by a 25 yr old.  not even getting to the 60+.  unless the social groundwork is rebuilt to fit more western civilization work ethics, including social education, there is no way this will work for the better in Hong Kong.  if this passes, it will cause chaos in the overall workforce in Hong Kong.  i don't believe it will never work in Hong Kong, just that now is too early because there's no foundation for this.  so unless the ulterior motive is to drive away all the mainlander immigrants and force older people to live off social welfare, there is no justification to the overall economics of Hong Kong to establish a mandatory minimum wage.




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