There's also a similar club called "18 Club", near the train station, can walk up there ... the counter part of this club is called "國會", I think "18 Club" is of slightly higher class. Some MMs switch between these 2 clubs, and many of them are very cheeky and tricky, you have to be careful, it's nothing like the way you play in CP.
Standard charge is: 5-1500-(2500-3000) but you can get suprised sometimes ... I once took out an art teacher, who is 1.72, and speak a bit of English and she was nervous serving me in the club. But at the end of the day,
I think playing in some higher-class clubs in Dongguan is a better idea.
GZ clubs are not good for CP guys. Just my personal views.
[ 本帖最後由 plogic 於 2007-4-7 04:33 編輯 ]
相關搜索目錄: Switch