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¬O¤£¬O¦Ò¤FÃÒ¨é¤Î«OÀIµP jar ...cfp and cfa need at least 2 yrs to exam .....besides cfa passing rate .....................too
low ...many ppl at least test 2 times or above to get all paper pass ....

anyone who know more ....wish u can tell me more about of it

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: «OÀI


quite good to hearing that news

since she still work in investment bank....and no need back to tvb
if she return tvb in now .....i will think her "face" ...........
it is terrible for me to imagine ....

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Investment


warranty is risky way for ppl ...if ppl who dont want to use it to seperate the conditional risk ....but use it for gambling ......based on the time value is decrease when the ending day is reached and the warranty comp can control the volume of the warrant......it is easy for ppl to lose money.........it is not good for non-professional ppl to "play ".... i think
so trust ppl(especially well-trained "professional" ppl)  to buy it to Gamble ......i do think too bad ....


but if the stock market crackdown ...the first group being fired ............hahaha




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