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[灌水] 有冇雪梨人想交流下??

回復 #1 蒲鬼 的帖子

Hi Bro,

   I thought you are based in HK... A few years back I was in Sydney and the price then was A$120/30-mins (in Surrey Hills and Woolloomooloo). Looks like the price hasn't changed. Must be the strong A$ that still attracts the 'foreign' workers. If I remember correctly, all of those girls are from Malaysia, SGP or India. Not sure if the Korean gals then were more expensive.

   BTW, are there still places that offer 30-mins services, or is 1-hr pretty much the standard?? Do you get a full hour or more like 45-mins for actual companionship? I hope they haven't picked up the bad tradition of treating '1-hr' as 45-mins service, as in most of the HK sauna houses.


回復 #5 蒲鬼 的帖子

Thanks for the info, 蒲鬼 bro. Sorry to hear the good old days (lower price for 30-mins) are gone. I may have a chance to visit Sydney later on this year. Perhaps I would have to collect a bit more updated info from you when the time comes. I wouldn't mind trying Korean and local gals, as long as they are not too tall and big. BTW, what is the address of 天上人間 (or its name in English)?? Are the gals mostly Asian or 50/50 (Asian/Western)??

I agreed there should be more Timway members from Sydney and Melbourne. Perhaps they are too shy to share.



回復 #9 蒲鬼 的帖子

Thanks 蒲鬼 bro, I will certainly do that.


回復 #42 蒲鬼 的帖子

Hi 蒲鬼 Bro,

  This is kind of side-question to satisfy my curiosity. When I was in Sydney a few years back, there used to be some 'working' gals hanging around the StarCity casino main floor. I hadn't tried any, but they looked to me of Thai, Chinese and/or Japanese origin. I noticed them as they don't bet on the tables, but simply walked around and approach people with huge stack of chips in front of them. Do you still see them these days?? How much would they be charging?? Or, are they banned from the casino by the management??



回復 #53 anthcho 的帖子

Dear 蒲鬼 or anthcho,

  Do you know what is the opening hours of the establishment at Commonwealth St?? If I am to visit Sydney later this year, I may have to sneak out of the hotel late at night. I assume they are not opened 24-hrs.



回復 #55 anthcho 的帖子

"I think 206 open til 3 or 4 am. all girls there are freelance. as there is
       no rule for girls they can come and go any time they want.  Quality
       also varies depends on your luck."

Thanks for the tips, Anthcho. It sounds like Riley St may provide some sort of quality assurance, considering the gals are "residents". The only problem being that it's not close to CBD... Any other CBD establishment that may provide some Japanese fun??



回復 #62 anthcho 的帖子

Wow, 15-hrs!! They worked harder than the gals in Macau (at least the ones I know). Still, they went there to earn some foreign exchange (AUD is pretty high these days). BTW, what is the address of Sakura 櫻花宮年?? I don't think it was mentioned by other brothers in this thread.



回復 #5 蒲鬼 的帖子

To 蒲鬼,

  Below is a thread talking about Melbourne activities. I did not know there is such a difference in pricing between the two states though. Maybe there are more establishments (and choices) in Melbourne...

"係呀? 講出o黎分享o下好喎大佬. 邊間邊條女?
因為要出埠做雞, 加拿大可以搵多好多. 好少香港女會o黎澳洲做雞.
我尋日去o左417 Burnswick St. 搵o左件假日本妹(應該係去過日本讀書).
而家做緊special, 110/30 mins. 真係抵x
45mins都係$165. 而且條女又識得做body, 口技又好好. 差o的俾佢吹爆
不過我呢排都係盡量叫韓國雞或扮日本妹韓國雞. 感覺上抵玩o的"




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