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我的初次海联 3P 經驗

Being a CRROM for a long period of time, I still haven't tried saving any girl in China.  Having done a lot of information collection for this HL SN, I'm planning to go there for my first time in China in veiw of its close proximity to Lo Wu station.  Just one silly question, is it safe at least to the same extent as in CP or CA??


Sounds very interesting to me.  But it depends on time as I need to "Steal-Jump".  One thing I want to further clarify, is it the one located near a MTR station and inside a hotel?


有冇師兄今個星期有幫襯, 請問明天出徵安全否?


Good and thanks a lot.  Two last questions before my tomorrow's trip.  Is it $500 for 1MM and $600 for 2MMs for unlimited shot?  Do they accept HK Dollars?  Will report after I've tried


My first shot in Mainland

Being CDROM for a long period of time, I finally went to this place as recommended by brother Pen and icheng.

Arrived at around noon, no directory sign in the lobby. Luckily, as I had done a lot of homework, I went straight ahead to 5/F. First, confirmed the price at $500 (with coupon), then entered room to choose MM.

Further confirmed with manager in the room. Pay $100 more for a trainee, but I didn't try as they report duty after 14:00. 5 MM came in for the first round. As doggie was so sharp among the other girls, I chose her in the first round. Around 5 feet tall, B-cup, but with pipples at a closer look.  Has a strong gf feel and with good services.

Standard services include BJ, DL, BF, explosion candies, ML, etc. I think bro icheng or bro pen had already mentioned the details in previous posts and I don't want to repeat again.

Overall speaking:
Hardware: 5/10
Girl: 8.5/10
Services: 9/10

Next time I'll try double fly. Thanks ching for the information and making my first shot in Mainland come true.


原帖由 Happy+Man 於 2007-10-2 16:59 發表
is it 600 now?
$600 is the regular price for 1MM, but you can have $100 discount if you download and print out the coupon. $600 is the price for 1MM and 1 trainee.


原帖由 louiln 於 2007-10-2 23:19 發表
Just checked fun1X1.com and found doggie's photo.  Not very attractive.  Is no. ( is the correct number for her?
( is the correct number for her, and the skin color of real person is darker too.  Pretty/attractive or not depends on different person's standard. Just like some persons like little fatty girls and some like skinny girls.  According to my standard, she is very 'sharp' among the girls there.


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-3 14:07 發表

As I'll pass doggie to my friend, I must get someone to replace her. May be !* is my choice...........
Manager Xiao said %* is newbie, may worth to try. I saw her in the selection, and she seems to quite good looking to me.  Of course, not as sharp as doggie!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-5 08:13 發表

Another new star is born --- and she is my lovely duckie. Doggie has lost her number one position on my HL list! I'll report later today!
Is she a newbie as I can't find her pic in the website?


Excellent! Great to learn that duckie is so good that next time I can have one more option to pick.  However, I have a bit reservation as she is nearly a microwave.  Brother icheng, do you know any MM with BIG boops there with good services too.


We will then be really cum brothers la


YES cum brother!!  You mentioned @* which should be MCOT.  But I read some threads saying that her service standard is deteriorating, isn't it?  She looks very wild in the pic of the website!!


Are you going tomorrow? That's my plan too! Try either the big boops girl or duckie recommended by bro icheng


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-16 08:10 發表

Too bad............. I'll go tomorrow (17/10) as I have the engagement with Dau Dau this afternoon. Please report back, OK?
Sure la, cum brothers shall share the experience with each other ma.  Waiting for your report on dau dau in 141 forum.


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-16 08:10 發表

Too bad............. I'll go tomorrow (17/10) as I have the engagement with Dau Dau this afternoon. Please report back, OK?
尋日放工搭車上去, 七時到達. 立即入房, 但唔知係真定假, 個主任話特別介紹, 得一個囡囡%*比我選, 話服務好, 原本想彈, 但見個樣都ok, 身材可以, 又即晚要返歸, 費事浪費時間便即管試!

全程服務尚可, 唔夠好麉Y冇水中蕭, 我要求做前面先, 等我發完一炮後可以多少少回氣再黎, 但仲要好奇怪咁問「你要做兩次呀?」 吊那聲!! 比鷟就一定要去到盡啦, 仲洗問!!

如果同狗仔比, 狗仔個感覺warm好多, 但都可一試!好奇想知d囡囡係唔係由唔同師傅教出來, 兩條女d服務唔一樣, 其他bros髽eedback都係有唔同!!

[ 本帖最後由 def_lo 於 2007-10-17 18:37 編輯 ]


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-18 08:03 發表
".............囡囡係唔係由唔同師傅教出來, 兩條女d服務唔一樣.........."

Please tell us what are the main difference?

After all, I still consider Md Doggie to be one of the very best ...
一. 狗仔將杯奶當水咁玩, 但%*將奶茶背部然後用c乃
二. 狗仔個袋有震蛋但上次就冇用, %*有麰曮Y震蛋而係按摩棒
三. 狗仔會逐隻手指用口洗乾淨, 但%*就冇

最低限度有以上分別, 所以估係因客而異, 定係由唔同師傅教出黎!!



澄清多一點, 就係%*支按摩棒真係姥井鶻 - 我背脊呀! 各位bro唔好誤會!!


Thanks for reminding.  I understood that too, but I prefer to use my fingers!!!!!!


You mean fingers or vibrator?? If you mean fingers, then I'm pretty lucky.  I'm not handsome but I every time I can use my fingers with the girls there.




Agreed.  The pics of doggie look more like the real person.  But, just wonder if there are 2 %* as the pic and the real person that I met look like different to each other.


Don't scare me please! I just plan to go tomorrow.  But now I need to seriously re-consider it again!!!!!!!!!!!


I know you're my good brother and won't hide anything from me!! But I still have to express my shock on how bad the management is!!??


原帖由 colourwolf 於 2007-11-17 01:00 發表

Personally, I think the softwares are great. The only shortfall is the hardware. The issue is, is software or hardware more important to you?
最好當然軟硬件齊全, 但又要就有限的時間而言, 我絕對明白要將就一下, 我會選擇軟件行先!!


I went there in last Saturday.  Met somebody in the lobby, who're probably from HK as well.  Software OK, and did enjoy an afternoon.


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