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原帖由 hotel60 於 2009-11-22 04:33 發表
Any C-hing have experience dating a bg? and how long did it last? was it just for money?
I'd advise just treat it as a dating with an ordinary girl.
What are you expecting when dating an ordinary girl?
How long will the dating with an ordinary girl last?
Will you pay an ordinary girl any money for the dating?

If, from the very beginning, you treat the BG as an ordinary girl and do whatever you will be do when dating with an ordinary girl, you'll definitely know what and how to do during a dating with BG.


原帖由 hotel60 於 2009-11-22 17:02 發表
Sounds Like you had bad experience. Like to share?

For me, she ask me to dinner ......like to try a resturant together because she heard it from her friend which is good. Do you think they all look ...
Well, then treat it as a dinner gathering with a friend.
Will you give your friend any money for having dinner with you?
Of course, if you will have sex with her after the dinner, then it may be a bit different.
At that time you need to judge if your relationship with her will be influenced when money is being involved.
If you want to develop further with her then never ever let money intrude into the relationship.
Of course, like other c-hing said, if you don't want to develop further, perhaps money can give both of you the feeling that it is just a buy-sell relationship.


原帖由 hotel60 於 2009-11-23 00:49 發表
If its just dinner and I am paying. How do I offer to pay her for her time? waht should I say?$1000?? She may be not contact me again if i offer to pay her.

If we ML later and I pay for everything  ...
Do you really want to pay her for the time she spends with you for dinner?

For the girl's perspective:
Why do you give me money for having dinner with you?
Do you treat me as a hooker?

From your perspective:
What's the reason for you to pay her for the time she spends with you for the dinner?
Do you treat her as hooker if you pay her for compensating the time she spends with you for dinner?
If you treat her just as a hooker, why do you pay her for the time she spends with you for the dinner?  
Why don't you pay her for having a good fxxk??!!


原帖由 skipper99 於 2009-11-23 21:03 發表
ha bro,  just remember there aren't no free lunch and free ride in this world.  you should make up your mind upfront if it is a "buy and sell" or  a "girl friend".  trust me i've been there

相關搜索目錄: Make up




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