原帖由 麥迪文 於 2008-9-5 10:41 發表
教育很重要! 甚至平時不要第一時間接, 遲 3 mins call her back, Tiger gets used to it 造成一種習慣很重要.
Yes, education is very important. But don't educate her that you'll call back within mins. You can't really call back from China without showing your caller ID. Even if you use your roaming number to call, there is a prefix of +852 to your mobile number, which is normally not shown when you call from HK!!
The best thing is to educate her that you're not available to answer phone during meeting. Turn it off and divert the call to voice mail. Prepare your tiger that you'll be in meeting out of your office for a whole afternoon. Turn off your phone and enjoy!
Having done so, you can avoid:-
1. Poor signal in CN especially when you're on the train to and from City P, then even if your call is diverted to CN mobile with HK ringtone, your tiger will hear a Putonghua speaking lady saying that you cannot be reached at the moment.
2. If you tell your tiger that you're out of office, then she will not call you at your office number.