推介:| 英語課程 | 職業英語 | English course | English learning | Toeic | Bulats |




23. 我们在超级市场偶然相遇。
We met up ( with sb) at supermarket.
24. 他慢慢消失在浓雾中。
He melted into the thick fog.  
25. 我们从前的一切观念都在爱改变, 我们的工作肯定有很大改变。
All our previous ideas are now in the melting-pot; our jobs are bound to change radically.
26. 他敷衍地应付了她的朋友,转眼就离开了房间。
He went through the motions of welcoming her friends but quickly left the room.
27. 你来得真是时候, 火车正要开。
You got here in the nick of time--- the train is just leaving.
28. 她轻枪地咬他的耳朵玩。
She nibbled his ears playfully.
29. 她的经营不敢恭维。
She is not too nice in her business methods.
The patient is doing nicely.
31. 我听了他关于计算机的话之后似乎毫无收获。
After hearing his talk on computers I am afraid I’m none the wiser.
32. 酒巴对外营业。
The bar is open to non-residents.
It’s very difficult to make pancakes without a non-stick frying-pan.
34. 他很自负,她没接受他的邀请可把他的鼻子气歪了。
Ge is so conceited that when she refused his invitation, it really put his nose out of joint.
35. 他们就在我的眼皮底下勾搭上了, 而我竟然没有看出来。 ]
They were having an affair under my very nose, and I didn’t even realized.




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