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She is a real joke of the financial industry to be given the title of "Joint Executive Director". How many years of experience does she have? I wonder if investors would make investment decisions based on her comments.

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Investment


Is she "value-for-money" simple because she looks pretty? Then, the one who made that decision to hire her was simply pathetic, both the person and the decision.

She has a column in a daily free newspaper. But do you genuinely believe that she could write those comments on her own from her own 'professional knowledge'? I really don't think so. Even if she writes those comments on her own, that was just 'blow water'.


she was merely a newsreader, not even a journalist


"The New Queen of Warrant" - This heading is already sh*te enough to make us laugh! And we don't even bother to read the contents.




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