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Don't blame her for over-using her twat. Thar is not a matter of use or misuse. She was born that way. Do you really think that making love would change the colour of her skin???
Then how come your dick has not change colour since you started using it when you were a teenager. How come your right palm has not changed colour yet?
These kind of sexual MYTHS ruined a lot of good relationships. Grow up.


原帖由 photorain 於 2007-12-28 21:03 發表
點會真的無關呀, 很多囡囡做了一段時間, 就有這種情況, 相比一個只跟男友做的女仔, 次數比起囡囡少, 同一段時間過後, 為什麼又不會黑得這麼快呢.

Prove it. Take a picture of your GF every time you make love to her and let us see the change in colour?
After the baby, maybe, due to hormonal changes during pregnancy.
God help us.
I agree with johnlamhk3: "正 pk !我話你呀! 影衰晒全世界既男人 ! "

[ 本帖最後由 lomo 於 2007-12-29 12:45 編輯 ]


原帖由 Haidada 於 2007-12-31 15:46 發表
Do agree people born with fairer or darker skin. My lunch box is having a darker skin colour and her nipples and private part are light brown, but not black. Cannot challege Lomo brother's professi ...
Pregancy is a totally different matter. As I mentioned in my post, the colour and breast changes are results of more sustained hormonal change.

[ 本帖最後由 lomo 於 2007-12-31 20:33 編輯 ]




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