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[疑難] 跟 影音及多媒體算有 d 關係既 網上語音溝通的 set up 問題

USB is OK, what I mentioned before, if you use it together with camera, the sound quality will be downgraded. Otherwise it is OK.

I can't find anything wrong with your setting, but you can check the config. of your sound card. My soundcard uses the mic connection for several purpose, I must define it before use it as mic in.




我部機個 mic in default 係 surround out, 要抽插-次,部 pc 先會問是否改變用途.


小弟是用Dell X51V, 主要是看書,地圖定位 和上網 . 但只能用WiFi上網.
現在坊間很多PDA phone, 有電話功能, 相機, GPRS上網 和pda 功能.
以我所知Dodpo 是不錯的
詳請可到pocket pc 的網站看看



挑選PDA, 先要看標兄要求:
1. Pocket PC- 純PDA, 不帶電話功能 如Dell X51V
2. Pocket Pc Phone- 帶電話功能的 PDA, 如O2, dopod等
3. 電話帶PDA功能, 如Nokia 9000 series
4. 商用機如 Blackberry.

如標兄只需 Skype 和 Photo Album 功能,
Pocket PC 即可, 可惜現市場純 Pocket PC 選擇較少.

要求的 PDA 要有 WiFi, CPU 速度要高(520MHz以上),  
Memory Card 插槽要和標兄所用相機兼容.
可考慮小弟所用的 Dell X51V, 雖型號較舊,但功能仍是最強,惜較笨重, 約3,300$

另外Asus 的 P535 亦可考慮, 帶GPS定位和電話功能, 配合128$ GPRS 無限上網計劃,可以不受Wifi 限制. MSN, Skype 皆可.

其他如Dopod 和 O2, 較注重電話功能, PDA 功能稍弱.

標兄先定下要求, 便可收窄范圍.
http://www.dell.com/content/prod ... &l=en&s=dhs


GPRS is supported by Telephone company, that means you need a PDA Phone, and it can be used anywhere with telephone coverage. That means you have to pay, some company charged by data usage, some charge a fix monthly premium.
But the drawback is the speed is slower, not good for Skype, but enough for MSN and web browsing.

WiFi is area determined, not very easy to find a free WiFi Hot spot.
PCCW covers most main commercial with charge.
Some big shopping malls and Airport will provide free WiFi service, all my posts I did in Monday was done in the mall in Kowloon City,




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