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May be I am older, I have that kind exciting moments during 80's and girls are just as reserve as in early 90's. I remember when I was working as a cook during my summer job. I found there is a hole in the man's washroom and I can I peep through it very easy- on the other side is the girls' washroom. Of course the manager pucked up the hole fairly qucik. Later the manager told me that the same hole was opened up again but from the girls' side. The girls want the boy peek through it   I was playful at that time by squeezing girls'tits and butts, trust me they all like it- may be only in North America because the girls here are much more open towards sex. During and after the beer party you can bang the girls you want and it does not cost any money. But those were the days of free sex and now older, balder you need to pay to have decent sex.




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