Not sure - but I like to share my story about a girl like this in Shanghai.
I am in SH for some projects from last year till maybe mid of next year. I knew her in SN too, normally I don not go that place but there is one time I felt so lonly. I went a SN and picked a girl as MM took to me - I think I like her so I kept her.
After that, I was in travel and back to Shanghai after a month - for some reason I wanted to see her again. I did see her and she still remember me. At the end of that day - she gave me her number and tell me her real name. Maybe I just too tired to be a homeless guy - I sometimes sned her messages to chat a little bit.
Then I have to travel to FR again for anoter month. I bought some gifts for her in FR and when I landed in SH - I called her and asked her to see if possible for her to come and meet me. She was happy and accept that - that was our first date, we were out dinner and seeing movie and that is it. I feel good to be like that and I thouht she is same.
Normally I go to work early and back home late - I will messae her when I back home. It is funny as I normally don not like type messae at all before - but I think the SMS is good. I remember there is one time I told her that I think I like her - she did not rely untill half an hour and said : She does too, but she does not tare to do so. I told her, I just wnat to be a friend to her and won't hurt her, and I will help her as long as I am in SH. Then she told me that it just makes her change her "like" to a deeper level, but she does not dare to either.
I feel comfortable to be with her, show her arroud and dinner, take her some places she may never been before - but I don't know how she feels - maybe good maybe not. But she never say no to me or asking for any money even though she got criticized a lot from her boss. We talked a lot about her hometown, family and mine when we are together - it is good!
I am not really sure what I am suppose to do as I don't know what kind of relationship - we are just like boy and girl friend, go somewhere and sometime kiss each other at a right time. I think I am lost here. I travel a lot and I really worried about her - but she does not want me to do any further. Ans she told me she will do by herself. I really want her to go back to a normal life when the day my leaving comes. Wish her the best.