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井底蛙遊踪之一 --- 梅林維X納 SN

Icheng 兄, 偷跳一問:

如果由沙田 by KCR 到羅湖過深圳然後打的到酒店要多少時間 ?

total service 由choice bg up to leave又是多少時間

回程容易截車嗎 ?

小弟是 Mainland newbie, 請各大大多多包容 m_ _m

相關搜索目錄: 酒店


Thx Brother Icheng brother.

I think I should become 國民黨員 soon ~ (炮兵, 進攻大陸)


原帖由 copperman 於 2007-11-16 15:56 發表
上星期三上SZ做野,又有機會偷跳。星期三晚上左東莞大朗過夜,事関之前買左神龍卡,仲有餘額,用埋距啦!始終都係第一次個女女最岩我,可惜走左啦!之後都D女女都係爭D。過程唔講啦,都係standard野,訓到六 ...
I also at there at Thurday ! And also double fly, but need $800

First I found $600 one but the manager gimme a pork .... and then she say 600 is lack of BG. I told her need 800 one but she suggest 2 x 400 BG better then 1 x 800, then try them

The great job from them is " PDD with BJ at the same time"

And if 2 fly, u can save more time coz one BG preparing and another BG servicing you


原帖由 def_lo 於 2007-11-16 11:09 發表

聽師兄所言, 似乎由皇崗或福田去可能會近!! 照估計整個過程連交通可以鬘|個小時內完成嗎? 半日時間要完成偷食過程真的要計算清楚!!!
I just go there and time consum as follow:

19:30-20:00 Shatin MTR ==> Lok Ma Chau (exit to Mainland already)
20:00-20:30 Lok Ma Chau ==> Merlam (including find taxi time)
20:30-20:45 Take room plus choose BG
20:45-22:45 Servicing
22:45-23:10 Merlam==> Wong Kong (include wait taxi)
23:10-23:55 Wong Kong==> Mong Kok (by bus)

[ 本帖最後由 NinesunOrcus 於 2007-11-17 19:12 編輯 ]


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-11-19 08:27 發表

How many shots did you fire? Were the 400 girls looking good?
One shot only (The BG is very work hard on my second shot but I m "one shot man" ....)

Those 400 BG looks is fair, just ball is a little bit small (b to c cup)

One BG aged 22-23 I guess, another just 17-18. They all thin (under 22" waist), the older one skill is better than the younger one and more sexy.

But the younger one look like a child


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-11-19 09:07 發表

Did you find your 3P game with true value for money? Was it an enjoyable event? How did you like the hardware?
The hardware is excellent (I choose Crystal room)

And the room different as follow:

Crystal room==> 舞池, 熱雲石床, 蒸房
Eur room==> 舞池 only
Normal room==>None of special hardware, only a bed and toilet ....

And this is my first time 3P (including Ma Lam and SN in HK) I just feel a king like servicing with two girl, nothing need to do and they do all sexual service (including bath, I m the first time sleep on a bed bath and no need do anything )

But, king like service is not suitable to me, I like play with girl have lover feeling sex, not a servant ....

So, next time I should call one to play (I like make the BG high enough to ML) If u like king feel service, call 2 BG is worth

[ 本帖最後由 NinesunOrcus 於 2007-11-19 13:01 編輯 ]




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