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i will try 小梦's girl tomorrow, will provide report.


原帖由 老江湖 於 2008-1-14 02:47 發表

搵小夢  有個叫燕燕  幾open
She recommended 小容. I will try tonight.


原帖由 老江湖 於 2008-1-14 12:26 發表

小容 is pretty but not "open" enough.
oh you've tried her before also? so she has no value added service?


小容 looks quite pretty but no full service.


老江湖, thanks for the recommendation. i will go back again in a few weeks time. may try 小容 again even though she has no full service.


原帖由 老江湖 於 2008-1-3 01:52 發表
小夢有新女, 叫燕燕, 都幾"開放", 肉地幾好, 不過就多左幾兩, 樣算OK, 手藝都唔錯~
brother, i will try 燕燕 tomorrow. Any advice for me?

how much did you eat her with full service? and is her HJ skill really up to standard?

thanks heaps!


thanks brother i will try her tonight and provide report.

i also have 小夢's new number but they share the same girls? i heard she changed her "job". i guess that means she is now working for another agency.


sorry brothers, know it is a bit late, but i will provide a quick report as promised. promise is a promise!

it's been such a long time and i forgot who i've called for which girl, but i've tried two girls, one is 燕燕 and one is 廖廖. Both offered full service but I didn't want it both nights.

燕燕 is a little chubby and okay looking, doing all sorts of tricks to arouse me and got disappointed when i said no full service. i think she is very very open.

廖廖 also wants it but i made myself clear up front so she just continued with her massage. She has nicer body but face to some may look a bit old. she can speak cantonese

i may go back for 燕燕 for a fuck next time. i have their personal numbers if you are visiting Shanghai soon. please pm me for them.


serveral brothers pm'ed me for yanyan's qq. but i agree with what another bro said, we have to give agent the profit too, so i suggest you all go through anan to arrange. her qq number is in this thread. sorry for disappointing you brothers.


廖廖 face is so so only... i won't say 8... she looks a little older than 22.


hmm, may be 6-7... she's not ugly but perhaps not my type.

it was a cold day when i met her. she insisted for a shower (alone) and if i am not wrong, i think she has a bit of 臭狐...

hope you don't mind me being so direct


yes i agree. will be going again for another week, hope i can have more test reports for everyone.


i had the exact same experience. 燕子 is the slightly chubby girl right?


how does she perform in bed? i may try her FJ this time in shanghai. last time i only tried hj...


原帖由 teihosing 於 2008-3-28 00:36 發表

I always have problem to visit Xocat II Forum (this website) in Shanghai, Beijing.  Could anyone tell me how to access there more efficently?
try this brother: ... page%3D&page=12


smoothoperator, just remember you don't pay any extras for HJ. Anything else you will have to bargain with her.

which country speaks limited chinese? just curious.


would you want someone who just massaged your foot to massage your dick? ummmmmmm.... no


I've been approached by one of the agent who wants to look at what's on the being talked about in this thread. Obviously the easiest thing is to send her the link with IP address so she can look at it herself.

But what I don't want to see is that they have full access to this and be able to make fake reports or advertisement in this thread. I want to see what you guys think especially 老江湖 as he is the owner of this thread.


原帖由 老江湖 於 2008-4-22 07:50 發表

i prefer not, c hing. don't wanna the girls know much what we've been doing. tks~
you have my respect brother. i won't give them anything and i hope the same goes to all brothers here.

The agents are aware of this forum as many from Hong Kong have used their service after reading this thread. I hope we won't get penetrated by writers.


hate to say this but check this out:

we are penetrated.


原帖由 Challenger 於 2008-4-23 18:05 發表

I am going there tomorrow and see whether I have luck or not...
good luck brother and please report.




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