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回復 #1 alex0524 的帖子

Just want to ask that you fuck her but you don't give her money, how she can survive. If you want to stay with her, can you still let her work in SN ? If not, how much she need for every month. If you not sure, why you don't ask her.
I give an apartment for my second wife in China, and every month I give her at least 2,000 for living. I knew many colour wolves want to get advantage from her, and I will let her to have dinner or gift from some colur wolves. In Shenzhen city, girls not well educate only can work in some servicing industry such as SN, resturant......
My second wife work for beer promotion girl before she with me, I see customer touch her pat pat and arms. She quit the job last year and looking for better job. After 6 months nothing to do, she go back to sale beer in Chinese resturant and she almost rape by customer this time. Now she only stay in home for internet and play everyday.
One more point is that my second wife also have a daugther before she with me. However, she still 怀孕 last year.
If you really want to with her, you should talk to her clearly. What she want ? and What you want ?
If she don't know what you want, she will give chance to other colour wolves.


Don't be serious, just a game.........




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