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回復 #74 strange 的帖子

RMB 5,000 not enough for a BG to live in Shenzhen. My second wife buy a lotion cost over RMB 200. The apartment management fee and electricity cost RMB 500. Mobile also cost few hundred per month. Since I will not get marry with her and I cannot guarrantte how long I will stay with her, so I don't care what she did (as long as everytime I go SZ she can show up immediately).
Fortunately, up to now she seems not interest to other man, and she is promotion girl for beers at the moment.
Honestly, I already with her for over 2 years. It is a bit tire and I want to change another wife. However, I did not find any mistake from my current second wife and it is hard for me to quit at this moment.
I think you are lucky to have the excuse to quit from your second wife.




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