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原帖由 cf4 於 2007-7-4 01:31 發表
brother CF4,

I have changed my account. some problem. Anyway, just tell her to go and visit the 社工. Just tell your wife, if she gave you many many chances, why not give you one last chance? (Maybe you think I am stupid but at least you should try). Cheer up. don't give up, man.

Many people like you do gambling, but how many like you have guts to go to see 社工. I cannot make sure you will success, but there are people succeed and you maybe one of them. remember this.


原帖由 brasco 於 2007-7-5 02:05 發表

a very close friend of mine were doing such stupid thing!!....
Sorry to say this. you think this is stupid? I don't think so. At least this is what CF4 should really do at this moment. This is what I call to do something in order to prove you are serious. No offense. Please encourage CF4 together,


原帖由 kenny1234 於 2007-7-8 21:41 發表
我不是 ...
Hai..... To be honest, the situation is tough.
To brother CF4, first I want to ask you two questions:
(1) Ask yourself (from the deep deep bottom of heart), do you still love your wife and cannot lost her anymore? How about your wife? same?

(2) Part of agree with Kenny1234, the decision is made by your wife. It's her decision but as I said people always have choice. You have and your wife also has. Does your wife leaving you is the reason you want to quit gambling? If yes, then think positivly, all you do is to PROVE that you are serious and damn serious about the quiting. About the pressure thing of your wife, no one can help. only she can help by herself.

Really at this stage, I have nothing to say and I can see that you already start action.(IT"S REALLY GOOD!!!) My friend, keep it up. No matter what the result is. You tried damn hard and should feel no regret at all.

For the worse case, if your wife decided to leave (Just saying, eveything is possible). Then, you should regret and hate gambling because it breaks your family. At the same time, you should be pround of yourself that at least you tried hard for the relationship and start action to quit gambling.

The topest level of LOVE - is willing to be hurt. (INSIDE LOVE, there is no fear).
I can see how much your wife loves you even though her heart has been hurt a lot. NOW, IT"S TIME FOR YOU TO HEAL HER HEART. CHEER UP MAN!!!


原帖由 cf4 於 2007-7-8 20:31 發表
MAN, Tell your wife to give you one more chance. At least to go to 見社工. no big deal, right?
BE positive.

相關搜索目錄: 貸款


原帖由 brasco 於 2007-7-10 01:46 發表

I'm afraid that u get me wrong, i was saying that a very close friend of mine had tried to get some money through galmbling in order buy her wife a gift.
sorry for my misleading!!
Oh... Very very sorry. My misunderstanding. Can you tell us about the result? Thank you.


原帖由 Rod 於 2007-7-10 09:21 發表
Brother CF4, you are in a very difficult situation.  From another perspective, however, you must understand that once you did something wrong, you have to suffer the consequence.  That's why nowada ...
Yeah, Just act now. I think the consultant you saw can give you some advice




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