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 26 12

有冇 SM 同好 (男奴) ?

有冇 SM 同好 (男奴) ?

我有 d 唔開心o既經歷想分享下.


但你都可以share 出來先


我o係 http://www.mistressayumi.com 識o左 Mistress Ayumi.
約o左佢玩 SM Session. 玩o左兩次. 每次 1 hour, 收費 HK$ 3000.

玩o個兩次 Session, 我都非常滿意. 之後佢開始頻密地約我行街食飯, 所有費用要我出.
又要我出錢買 10 張張學下 concert tickets. 之後又要我請佢食 hotel buffet (每人 $400).
佢知我經常出 trip 後又要我 transfer 晒所有 Asia Miles 飛行哩數俾佢. 最後仲要我將每月一半人工 transfer 俾佢, 作為日後 session fee 儲備......

我玩SM Session都係想滿足下呢方面的 desire. 當然我亦好開心可以同 SM 女王做到 friend.
普通行街食飯我出錢我絕對冇問題. 但係佢之後o既要求實在太過份?

係o米所有 SM 女王都係咁?
被SM 女王渣乾銀包係唔係男奴必然的命運?


咁得意, 點解你會由得佢?



你似俾人勒索多d law.... 不過如果你心甘情願就冇計la... 你覺得值ge咪俾哂d錢佢law...


不過佢真係好吸引, 不如你請我, 我地兩個一齊做男奴俾佢性虐?


#!#@&*~唔可以咁俾佢搾干, 站起來反抗啦師兄.


oh, no...
she looks like a thief not a mistress bo..


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原帖由 脫穎而出 於 2007-7-21 17:23 發表
咁樣真係....., 我以前被女王虐待既欲望都好重, 但隨著年紀大左欲望俞來俞輕, 始終在sm session後好有罪惡感, 呢位朋友都試下戒在佢啦!
點解在sm session後好有罪惡感呢?

多謝你的勸告. 經過 Mistress Ayumi 呢件事後我諗我唔會再玩 SM (去日本工幹或旅行玩一兩次 session 除外).


原帖由 死於女人腳下 於 2007-7-21 05:11 發表
我o係 http://www.mistressayumi.com 識o左 Mistress Ayumi.
約o左佢玩 SM Session. 玩o左兩次. 每次 1 hour, 收費 HK$ 3000.




Personally I think you should stay away from her because she just wants your money.
By the way, can you tell us something about your session with her ? What did you do? Did she has a good dungeon?


Feel sorry to hear about that

by the way, can you share more with us about the session?

thx for sharing


To: 死於女人腳下  

I think you can tell Mistress Ayumi pernsonally but not post it in here. You are adult and should able to made your own decision what to do.

It is not the fate of every slave to be 渣乾銀包 by Mistress. If the Mistress wants you to become a financial slave, you feel it is too much and you don't want it in this way then you can use the safe word have been agreed if you really understand the BDSM sences. This is really not a good idea post the things between you two in here. This will damage the reputation of the Mistress.

If you willing to be a financial slave of Mistress Ayumi then i guess you should know what to do. Please understand that trust is very important in BDSM sences. This is from what I learnt from my experience. Please respect yourself and Mistress Ayumi.


I will try to contact her sin^^


哦..點解你唔同我講呢? 老死~~





其實小弟覺得最重要是不沉船.有沒有好的討論區交流?有沒有兄弟記得小弟之前成立了yahoo group,結果失敗收場.這裡也沒有可能有當年的一個題目十萬人次瀏覽,而且有些小朋友更不明白我們做什麼.


[ 本帖最後由 Tony1 於 2007-8-2 10:40 編輯 ]


To: Tony1 / 死於女人腳下  

I'm not trying to against you two. But if you know the BDSM sence well and consider yourself is a submissive male then you should know that Female is surperior to male, we need to show our respect to the Mistress anytime and in any way, not just in the session. As I mentioned before i'm well trained slave and my Mistress had asked me to share my idea of being a slave to other submissive male if I got any chance.

Again, if you feel the orders or requests from Mistress are more than you can take then you can use the safe word agreed between you and the Mistress. All the professional Mistresses will understand and respect this. I'm also just trying to share my experience and the right attitude of being a slave or submissive male with you guys. Hope you can understand this.



[ 本帖最後由 Tony1 於 2007-8-2 14:03 編輯 ]






To : Tony1

I didn't say I'm teaching you what is BDSM, as I said above and I just want to share my experience and idea being a slave or submissive male. Yes, I'm a lifestyle slave of my own Mistress. If you don't like it or you think I have said something get you angry then I'm sorry and I will shut up. For the two topics you mentioned above, both can work and just depends on how you select it. If you treat this as a game, then I think the things between you and Mistress should stay in the game, I just don't understand why need to share with others?

I'm not sure which Mistress you are referring to, anyway if the Mistress find a good man and get marry then I believe we should feel happy for Her, right?


I believe 死於女人腳下 is not a lifestyle submissive as he already mentioned “我玩SM Session都係想滿足下呢方面的 desire”.  So nobody should put the 7/24 submissive philosophy on him.

By the way, he might easily mix up game and realistic life once he dated the mistress.  In such case, it would be extremely difficult to commend the relationship.  It would be just personal matter between the two parties.

After all, I would like to say, a professional mistress should tie to a professional ethical standard that meets her professional status.  As I know, no professional mistress would date her client unless she has intention to change the client into her personal slave.

In order to avoid unnecessary controversial discussion in the future, I suggest we better mention whether the thread is for “lifestyle submissive” or just for “submissive in game” clearly in the thread title in the future.  Then these two types of people should not enter into wrong thread.

Also, I just doubt this Mistress Ayumi was the one called Mistress Anna during the FF day.  

I think I know who is the mistress who has retired from her professional mistress and married to her love … Mistress “S” right?  In my opinion, Mistress “S” was the most professional and the best mistress I had ever met!

Lastly, if anyone would like to reply to my opinion, he is welcomed to PM me personally.  But I will never respond here any more.

All the best.


原帖由 slaveabc9369 於 2007-8-2 16:06 發表
To : Tony1

I didn't say I'm teaching you what is BDSM, as I said above and I just want to share my experience and idea being a slave or submissive male. Yes, I'm a lifestyle slave of my own Mis ...
Yes I agree that both Mistress and slave need to make sure it is a SM session or SM lifestyle, and these cannot be mixed up. In my experience, it was Mistress Ayumi to mix them up.

During a date, she ordered me to give her whatever things (again, expensive one). She said if I cannot do so, then she will never see me again and even if I pay her for session, she also WON'T do any session with me anymore. So it was a threatening and she was mixing up the game and lifestyle...

I really feel that Mistress Ayumi is NOT ethical.

Congratulations Mistress S. to have a good marriage, but I know that she has a super rich private slave to support her financially very very seriously...


i also want to be so rich to take care of my mistress...
also, who is mistress S. ??
thanks fo sharing!!!


 26 12


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